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I am posting to inquire as to what may be delaying directory requests I sent in April:


1. Website name: <url removed>


Description: Wedding and event planning company in Healdsburg, CA. Expert knowledge of the wine country coupled with beautiful winery locations in Napa County and Sonoma County. Contains advice and resources.


Submission topic: http://dmoz.org/Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Photography/Photographers/Wedding_and_Events/North_America/United_States/California/



2. <url removed>


Description: Premium California winery producing Central Coast Chardonnay and Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon.


Submission topic:


These are legitamate companies and a pretty nice web sites too :-)


Why could it be taking so long?


I've resubmitted in the hope it will be accepted.


Any advice is appreciated.




I've removed the URLs from your post -- we no longer give site suggestion status checks here (see the announcement stickied at the top of every forum here for info about that).


The usual answer to the question "Why hasn't my site been reviewed yet?" is that no one has gotten around to reviewing it yet. Reviews can take anywhere from hours to years. If you've suggested the sites, you've done all you can do. Resuggesting them isn't going to speed up the process.


I will make one comment, based on what you've written here (without the URLs) -- a wedding planner site should never have been suggested to a Wedding Photographers category so I'm hoping you mistyped the category.




Sorry about the urls... my bad.


I resubmitted the wedding site to: http://dmoz.org/Society/Relationships/Weddings/Destination_Weddings/North_America/United_States/


Thanks for the eyeball on that ... d'oh!


As for the wine site I submitted it to:http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Food/Drink/Wine/United_States/California/ because the wines comprise grapes from a variety of areas and can't be pinned down to one area.




  • Meta

Five months, but who's counting? We absolutely AREN'T counting. A site suggestion doesn't change the universe at all. It just makes more information about the existing universe available.


But more information is ALWAYS coming available. So why pick this millisecond, or that one, as significant in any way whatsoever? Fact is, it isn't.


Why are you acting this way?




I was VERY polite when replying and asking my question in a succinct and respectful manner. But for you, as a moderator, to respond with some sort of stoner, Steven Hawking, Mr.Spocks-esque socratic retort is highly unprofessional and further leads to the perception of dmoz.org as an elitest group of search engine supremacists who hold dominion over the lives of people trying to do their job.


I find this abhorrent in the most obvious sense; if this is what this organization is about -- chiding people who try to ask legitimate questions and who try to receive legitimate advice, then this is a complete cabal.


If on the other hand, this is an aberration , I apologize. I work hard, and try to be a nice guy. I'm just asking for help, for cying out loud. And I don't appreciate being belittled by people for this request.


If you have nothing to say, then say nothing.


Thank you


The thing is that a few people don't bother to read the announcement at the top of this forum and the forum FAQ. Between them, those two documents explain what sort of question can be asked here and give general answers for most others.


No matter how polite the words of your request, making it at all was against the clearly explained forum policies.


Now, is there anything else we can help you with?

  • Meta

>try to ask legitimate questions

You dind't ask legitimate questions

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

I had hoped to give you the perspective to enable you to see one of the many reasons why your question could not have been legitimate. I didn't expect the answer to be over your head--quite the contrary!--and I am sorry to find out that it was. If you'll give me a list of the words that confused you, I believe I can rephrase the answer without them.


But any legitimate advice will pre-assume at least a limited understanding of the ODP process. And one very important aspect of that process is the fact that things don't happen at the same time (on ANY time scale), or in any predefined order.


But you expected two events (one of them your own action) to occur within the same time-interval, and you were expecting someone to impose some sort of order on actions, to make that happen.


Nothing like that happens. If two actions by two different people occur in the same time time-interval, it's just coincidence.


So, even if your question had been allowed in this forum, it included assumptions that were not valid, and that needed to be corrected before you could even begin to understand legitimate advice.




This post would be more appropriate in "how to submit," and for that, I apologize. But I never asked anyone here to check the status of my submission, I only inquired as to what might be holding up its acceptance. My query was answered quickly by motsa and I thanked motsa and resubmitted my listing according to the advice given and was satisfied with the response and pleased with the experience as a whole.


But then my post was replied to by someone with absolutely nothing to offer that was positive. His message was demeaning and while veiled as some sort of advice on patience, reeked of vitriol. This neither benefits the public (who are merely trying to use your service) and it wastes the valuable time of those who volunteer to be moderators.


I never asked or chided the dmoz for my site not being listed. The only thing I asked for was advice and to be treated cordially.


I suppose that by expressing my displeasure at hutcheson, I violated the following policy:


"Complaints about specific people working or volunteering their time at ODP"


However, he violated your own rules:


"Please remember that you are expected to be courteous and polite in all your communications. Flames, slanderous/offensive comments and advertising is strictly forbidden."


Even now, there is yet another moderator (pvgool) who has chosen to offer a less than courteous retort that doesn't offer anything positive to this discussion.


I was helped by motsa and that should have been the end of the discussion. I never asked for any additional advice, or begged for inclusion into the dmoz. I got upset because I just feel that respect and courtesy should be followed by all users of the forum. Not just the general public. I am a message board moderator myself and I understand the frustration of telling different people the same thing over and over. But as a moderator, I hold my tongue, find the most benefical response for the user, grit my teeth and move on. I never lift the veil and make known my displeasure over the post apparent; because it demeans people and leads to threads like this.


Thanks again. Take care.



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