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What in that has anything to do with the editor's standpoint?



It has to do with the surfers standpoint. Isnt that who you cater to?


EDIT: Hutch, a bit of friendly advice. People dont know what you are saying at least 50% of the time. I think that is dangerous. I dont doubt that you make total sense to yourself, but I am willing to bet I am not the only one here that thinks "what the hell is he talking about" every other post you make. You are smart, you are deep, maybe its not a bad thing, but think about who you are talking to here. Ever heard of the saying "the masses are asses?" I scored a 1250 on my SAT's with a hangover, my IQ is right around 140, and I have to read your posts twice.

  • Meta
Its OK to admit that things could be better, and what was once a great managable idea a a few years back, is getting to be a pretty big problem. If one thinks that anything is perfect you are implying that it can not get any better. The ODP can certainly get better

Editors are the ones that are most aware of the things that could be improved. Even in the times you call "a great managable idea a a few years back" we knew that things could be improved. But the main difference between editors and webmasters is that we have totaly different ideas about which areas need improvement. The areas most important for webmasters will certainly not be changed in favor of the websmasters in the near overseable future. We focus our limited sources on the things that are important to DMOZ, our customers and the editors. Site status is not one of them. And in my opinion never will be one.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

I am only thinking of things from the editors persective, and I have never talked about anything to do with site status. I fear there might be some kind of language barrier here.
I am only thinking of things from the editors persective


Don't personalize this, but....


Isn't that more than just a bit difficult when one is not an editor, one does not know the tools we have, one has never seen an unreviewed queue, and one is not privvy to the volumes of advice and discussion that are available on the private editor fora?


Again, in a general sense and not aimed at you, that is often the difficulty with unsolicited advice: the intentions are usually good and honorable; but with only a very small part of the picture it is difficult (to say the least) to provide meaningful suggestions.

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