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From the guidelines http://resource-zone.com/guidelines.php

Posts that violate the above guidelines will be edited, moved or deleted as appropriate by a moderator. In addition, with a concensus of moderators, repeat or serious violations of the guidelines above may lead to the removal of your forum privileges.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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ANY editing action can be discussed. The editing forums and editors' PM frequently include such discussions. This allows anyone with a legitimate interest (that is, any editor that's not connected to the site) to make sure the editing action conforms to the consensus of the editing community.


Just to emphasize: the webmaster, whether or not an editor, does not have a legitimate interest in the discussion (theoretically he could profit as an accidental side-effect, but that's not a legitimate basis for an editing decision.)




I am not asking about an appeal on the status of my site, but an appeal against being banned on this site.


I have just read the guidelines again but it doesnt state anything about possible reinstatement about privilidges.



ANY editing action can be discussed. The editing forums and editors' PM frequently include such discussions. This allows anyone with a legitimate interest (that is, any editor that's not connected to the site) to make sure the editing action conforms to the consensus of the editing community.


Just to emphasize: the webmaster, whether or not an editor, does not have a legitimate interest in the discussion (theoretically he could profit as an accidental side-effect, but that's not a legitimate basis for an editing decision.)




That seems common sense to me - (generally the best way), however, in this instance, I was referring to the privilidges on this site.



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Simple question, is there a process of appeal against being banned from this site?

My interpretion of jimnoble's reply. No there is no process of appeal.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

There have been very rare occasions when someone who has been banned has been allowed back to the forum, either under the original ID or under a new one. But, in my experience, most people who are banned from a forum cannot, if unbanned, keep themselves from continuing to act in the manner that got them banned in the first place.
  • 3 weeks later...

Well i dont know what you did but it must have ticked of the wrong person no doubt. Interesting that their is no appeal to being banned but if your creating havoc and making fake names to cause more grief then justice has been served.




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