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My site <URL removed> was removed from

Top: Computers: Internet: On the Web: Web Applications: Storage: Free


In fact it is one of the most popular file storage sites. Is anybody can explain me the reason why this site could be removed from ODP listing and what should I do to be restored? I have already emailed to editor but without answer. Please advise.


There are many reasons why a site may be removed from the directory, most of which have already been covered in this thread: http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=45115

along with details of what you (as a website owner) can do about dropped listings.


Rest-assured that we do have procedures in place to minimize the possibility of incorrect listings and de-listings (which do both happen, since we're all human), and correct them if/when they do occur.

Before opening this thread I have already read http://resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=45115 and I am absolutelly sure that no one of those reasons can not be applied to my site. It is up 99.99% of time, has above 1 million hits per day, and allows 1gb of free space, so it sutisfied all requirements. I am sure that site was removed just because of human mistake. What should I do in this case?
Just relax, things like this happen quite often, and there is normally no need to get uptight about it, if the editor thinks its worth listing it will be put back in its place, if its been removed by mistake somebody will correct it. And remember just because it got a PR6 it doesn’t guarantee a listing.

I am really upset because there are no ideas why the editor could remove my site. Look at the PCWorld rate of web storages: http://www.pcworld.com/zoom?id=125729&page=9&type=table&zoomIdx=1

4shared is the 1st. I think the editor should have serious arguments to exclude this site from listing. Is anybody can tell me the way how I can get in touch with editor or may be somebody knows him and can ask him to revise the listing. Being in ODP is very important for my business.

  • Meta

I'm sorry you are upset, but there is nothing we can do to help you -- and there is no action you can take to make things happen faster. If the site has been removed from the public catalogue and if it is, indeed, listable, it will almost certainly be re-listed. Sites can be temporarily removed from the public view for a number of different reasons, but listable ones generally return to the public catalogue in due time. There is no way for us to know what "due time" could mean (or which editor will next work on the listing), and as I say, no way to make things happen faster. I'm sure you see why we can't allow webmasters to put any kind of pressure on the editors to work according to the webmasters' priorities! (PR is another thing the editors should not take into account. Many editors won't even know which PR a site has when they review it.)


Sorry not to be able to help, but there really is nothing more for you to do with regards to the ODP.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
.... has above 1 million hits per day, and allows 1gb of free space, so it sutisfied all requirements.
Just to clarify, those have nothing to do with DMOZ requirements for listings a site, and neither does a PR of 6 have anyy connection with getting listed.
You get a million hits a day, and most of them come from the ODP?

Of course no. But being in ODP is very prestigious. Also a lot of Internet services use ODB as a base of their own listing (for example alexa.com). Thus indirectly being in ODP can influence seriosly on a number of hits per day.

  • Meta

choodo, you have your own motives and your own concerns. And you have a right to those concerns. I might even share them.


But, and this is the REALLY REALLY important part, I cannot do anything about those concerns as an ODP editor: it would be abuse of editing privileges, and a betrayal of the people who gave me those privileges for a specific purpose -- that is, to build a directory for surfers.


Since that is true, it is pointless at best, and generally abusive, to ask any ODP editor to do something for the sake of webmaster reputation or profit.


If an action can be justified on the basis of the good of surfers, then that is an end of the discussion -- some editor can do it. If an action can't be justified on that basis, then that also is an end of the discussion -- it would be treachery for any editor to do it.


You can rest assured that whatever action was taken, and whatever actions will be taken, on that site, will not be justified on the basis of how it affects your number of hits per day.


So let that be the last word on that subject, OK?

  • 2 weeks later...
Of course no. But being in ODP is very prestigious. Also a lot of Internet services use ODB as a base of their own listing (for example alexa.com). Thus indirectly being in ODP can influence seriosly on a number of hits per day.


corruption :D Good thing is you don't need the odp anymore these days, google made some alterations to it's algorithm so there are many many many other factors now that are way more important than getting listed in the ODP. Still it's a nice backlink to have but that can be replaced by 2 or 3 backlinks from a pr7 site. Same effect nothing more nothing less :D

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