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  • Editall/Catmv

As you can see in the Announcement at the top of this forum, the ODP servers are having problems, so unfortunately everything to do with editors is unavailable to everyone.

If you wish to report a broken link or some other error in the category, you can use the Reporting thread in this forum and it will be attended to when the server is fixed. Thanks.

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.


If you read the announcement at the top of every forum here (and the error page that comes up if you try to send an e-mail to the editor in question), you'll see that we're having technical difficulties. When those technical difficulties are resolved, the pages that currently don't work will start working again.


RE: contacting an editor, editors are generally advised not to respond to e-mails, especially if the e-mails are about suggested sites.

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