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Not sure how to begin this, so please bear with me.


As "Laurie the DeepMinded", I admin the Offical Website of Human Head Studios Viking Age third person game "Rune"/Rune: Halls of Valhalla. I have been doing this for the last six years now since joining the site in February 2000 and helped in it's development as a historical advisor. Rune was released October 31, 2000


While going though your Open Directory for something else, I noticed "Rune" was included in your "Games" listings and took a look to see what had been included under:





The "Description" page lists the last update: 13:33 PT, Wednesday, May 25, 2005.


Yet, there are some listings that need re-editing or cleared. Also, when your server problem, I would like to apply as an Editor for this catagory and subcatagories.


Under the "/R/Rune" listings, one site's ("DragonSkiz's Realm") redirect works but while waiting you are constantly hit by Tripod's increasingly annoying popups since this website was changed to it's own domain url in 2004. When possible, I would like to re-edit the url to show the new one only to bypass Tripod altogether.


"Rune News", has been maintained and archived by Mindless Games for information it gives about the game, Rune. However, the site description needs changing as they no longer have forums nor downloads. Since it is archived only it no longer has an updated "News" section. But for the wealth of past information and detailed walkthrough/hints, this site is a valuable resource. I would just like to re edit the description whenever it becomes possible.


My only real gripe is with Alto Games. I found this site only offers some early Human Head Studios "Rune" concept art hidden away in a little spot near the bottom of the pages (it gives 20 small thumbnails which do enlarge). Actually beneath and surrounded by alot of very non "Rune" game related advertisements. There are better overall gamesites that offer the same or better examples with less digging around.


Under the "Clans and Guilds" listings, Three of the sites listed are inactive although the urls are good. One of these still has useful information and another's "downloads" section is still a useful game resource. However one ("Deadly Soul Riders DSR http://www.dsr.nu/) was hit by scriptkiddies a couple of years ago and has only recently come back with a new url.


In closing, when your "Editor Application" page is available again, I would like to apply, and if accepted, I would like to submit some better and newer general Rune resource sites under the first catagory page. Then And update/add active links to the Clan listing.


Even after six years, this Viking Age/fantasy based third person action game still has a very active community of players and mod makers. There are several sites offering mods, maps, mutators, skins and more for the continued enjoyment of playing Rune and Rune Halls of Valhalla.


I have used your directory over the years being online. It has and still is a very useful resource site and thank you all for it's existance.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Laurie "the Deepminded" Wise


  • Meta

Not sure if you had any question for us to answer, but you are most welcome to apply as editor as you wrote you intended to. We acknowledge that some sites may have changed content and should be re-assesed. We rely on dedicated editors to keep all categories relevant and up-to-date... ;)


Unfortunately you just have to wait some more time until the systems are rolling again.

Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator

Ahhh, I see. Your links rules have been confusing at first.


I just checked on the DSR new url and the site has been hacked again. (Turkish Hackers group allows you to enter and promptly redirects to their TH "sig page"...I hate these types) Contacting DSR for more information about an update.

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