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Checking to see if my site has ever been viewed over the last two years

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I first submitted my site in early 2004 and I do understand that it takes time to have a site reviewed. I have asked once before if my site has been reviewed a year ago and had no reply. I am patient and know that many sites are under review but would just like to know if my site has ever crossed anyones eyes. My site is listed using the correct guidelines under the catagory of http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Pets/Dogs/Breeds/Breeders_and_Kennels/Directories/ site url is <URL removed>. There are 12 sites listed in this catagory and I am just wondering, considering that there are not that many listed in this catagory why my site has not been listed nor reviewed. If someone could please let me know it would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully the server will be back up and running and sites will be reviewed and listed. March of 2007 will be 3 years since my site has been suggested and hopefully the editor if there is one currently will take a look and add my site.
  • Meta
We stopped providing this information in this forum because it didn't provide useful information to webmasters (to honest webmasters, at least: spammers found it VERY useful!) and because we weren't seeing a correlation between statuses checked and potential ODP problems (that is, it provided no useful feedback to US as editors).

We don't need to; you can find that our for yourself.


The people who can edit in any given category are those listed on the category page, those listed on the category pages of any 'higher up' categories, plus the 200 or so editors with 'editall' privs who can edit anywhere in the directory.


Since all the editors are volunteers, we let them work where-ever they like within their current privileges. Editors may be listed in many categories at once, and may or may not be editing most of those in any given time period. Therefore the answer to 'is there an editor for the category' doesn't really help with what you want to know, which I presume is 'is anyone going to edit in that category soon'. But then we don't (and can't) know that either.


I can assume you that you're not alone in having suggested a site some time ago, and it not having been reviewed yet. We have lots of suggestions from the public, and only a finite number of volunteer editors to look at them.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think you can often tell if your website has been viewed by an editor by checking back over your web logs.


If an editor visits you website it shows up on you referers as a visit from the DMOZ editors control panel.


At least it does for me :)

  • Meta

Yes, but if an automated tool from DMOZ visits, it will also show up in the logs - there are link checker tools, for instance, which check to see if a site is still alive.


And many editors don't come straight from dmoz.org, they cut and paste the URL instead. So there is no way of knowing for sure, I'm afraid! :)

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

..and then there are meanies like me who disable referrers :D.


(One way to do that is to use Firefox with its excellent Web Developer toolbar, where it's an option.)

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