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WhY not www.praystation.it in Italian/satira?

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Guest colinflack

is since november i've request for enter italian/tempo libero/satira this site Http://www.praystation.it

In this meantime it has been segnaled from many directory

(yahoo,supereva,tiscali siti del giorno,excite,b24,abc..etc) and many sites, now i've discovered that from this BB i can ask someone about this great mystere: please could You Give an Aswer?



Italian: qualcuno di voi puo spiegarci perche il sito praystation.it non è mai entrato nella directory tempo libero/satira? vedo che non c'è un redattore, ma è da novembre che aspetto un sia pur minimo cenno di vita..

Intanto, per fortuna le aòtre directory hanno segnalato il sito, qualcuna anche con ottime recensioni (tiscali l'ha messo tra i siti del giorno per oltre un mese, supereva ci ha scritto un ottimo articolo etc..)

Qualcuno può rispondere per favore?

Grazie di tutto, ciao

Guest colinflack

in truth in april was the 4° times i've tried to propose..

somethings has gone wrong on the server maybe, anyway thanks for the suggest about the forum in italian and for the answer.

Have you any idea about what time could take before a redactor rewievs the site?

Grazie mille. LU

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Yes, one of your previous submissions had been caught by the spam filter (which is triggered easily), I deleted it a moment ago since the site is now waiting to be reviewed in an appropriate cat.


And no, there's no way to tell how much time it will take to process the submission. The fact that no editor is listed in the cat is not a problem, many editors listed in an above category or with special privileges can edit there. But there are several hundred other submissions to process in that cat <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />

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