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What you are asking for amounts to a status request and we haven't done those for a long time.


Did you notice the announcement at the top of each forum? It explains that our systems are down right now so we couldn't help you anyway.

What you are asking for amounts to a status request and we haven't done those for a long time.


Did you notice the announcement at the top of each forum? It explains that our systems are down right now so we couldn't help you anyway.


I no that, but just asking if anyone have had the same experience!


Ok now i notice that!

  • Editall/Catmv

Fra bekendtgørelserne i toppen af hver enkelt forum:

Fra og med d. 21. maj 2005 giver vi ikke længere tilmeldingsstatus på specifikke sider som er tilmeldt ODP.


Eksisterende forum tråde omkring tilmeldingsstatus er blevet arkiveret, og fremover vil vi ikke acceptere nye tråde med spørgsmål om tilmeldingsstatus.


Hvis du har andre spørgsmål (udover tilmeldingsstatus) vedr. DMOZ, kan du stille dem på dansk i dette forum: http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showforum=27

ODP editor - emil2004

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