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Summary states: "Open-source, full featured graphical (GUI) 32-bit operating system for x86 386+ architecture; network and Sound Blaster support, mice, video, and many file systems. Website shows requirements, screenshots, status, downloads, documentation, contacts, members, forum, mail list."


Skyos is no longer open-source, and has not been for several years. Recomended change: "Full featured graphical (GUI) 32-bit operating system for x86 386+ architecture; network and Sound Blaster support, mice, video, and many file systems. Website shows requirements, screenshots, status, downloads, documentation, contacts, members, forum, mail list."

  • Editall/Catmv
When the technical problems are resolved (see the Announcement), you can submit an Update request by following the advice in the FAQ which covers your own query:
I need to change the URL/title/description/category of a listing. How can I do this?

FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor.


I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.

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