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in case, if the odp would ever work again,

you long would it take then to get listed? (estimation)

1 year, 5 years or 10 years ? :rolleyes:




  • Meta

Statistics from the past show that all sites listed at this moment were listed within 8,5 years from the time they were suggested to us. (*)


(*) results from the past have no influence on future activities

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta

The FAQ hasn't been repealed. There really isn't anything more we can tell.


Because, as always, a site takes anywhere from 15 seconds to 15 minutes to get listed ... from the time an editor takes an interest in listing it. And that's an IMPORTANT interval -- shortening it makes the whole ODP larger and more comprehensive; lengthening it delays everything.


A listing always comes from 0 to 28.5 days after a full moon. This is not a particularly significant interval.


A listing, as pvgool notes, comes from 8.5 to 8.5 years after a site suggestion. This interval can be shortened, by the obvious expedient of NOT SUGGESTING A SITE UNTIL AFTER IT'S BEEN LISTED. If you feel like manipulating that interval, I recommend that approach, which is guaranteed to work.


To give you a more serious answer, we really don't know. The FAQ explains why we don't know.


ODP has been running for less than 9 years, hence some of the earlier responses :).


As a State level Regional editor, I have editing permissions that cover every locality, county, region, metro, and state category within four states, and all of the subcategories in them, and every site suggestion spread throughout them.


Picking one spot on that map is like throwing a dart. The spot that I land on may have sites that were suggested the day before, or 2 years ago, (usually both) it doesn't matter, that is the category that I'm working in for that moment, and it may include a variety of different tasks, not just reviewing site suggestions.


The truth of the matter for me is that I will usually try to review all of the site suggestions in that area, new or old. Much of my time is spent rewriting titles and descriptions for the listings so that they comply with our Guidelines (which are open to the public), and moving many, many sites to the proper category.


My point is, if you want the process to be faster, then read the Guidelines that we follow, write proper titles and descriptions, and send your suggestion to the most proper category. :)


Now, I've gotta go do some editing. :)


Influx of submissions


1. Since the failing of the systems reasons unknown, there has been discussion in the office of submissions.


The restoration of Dmoz does this mean including the submissions being restored, does this mean people will have to resubmit sites, or will there be a rash of resubmissions as a result.


If the submissions were lost are you going to just let people think that their sight will be up for review even though it is no longer in the submissions database.


How dated are the back ups and how far will this set the submissions processes back

  • Meta
See the announcement about current status.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

See the announcement about current status.


I see nothing about the restoration of previos submissions, does this mean that they will not be restored as they are not of any importance.


Will this mean after the submissions section has been restored to operation the slate is clean and the submissions bin is empty.


Many of us are now working on reviewing site suggestions, I've reviewed 20 or so myself this morning, (and I've got a lot more to do) and of course, many of us are adding new sites that we've collected during the outage.


There are also quite a few other tasks that we are performing to assure quality. :)


The editing community resembles a hive of bees right now, a very happy one.


I'm not trying to be secretive, timamie261, but, I do not have the authority to make any public announcements, I'm just giving you what information I feel comfortable giving you.

Many of us are now working on reviewing site suggestions, I've reviewed 20 or so myself this morning, (and I've got a lot more to do) and of course, many of us are adding new sites that we've collected during the outage.


There are also quite a few other tasks that we are performing to assure quality. :)


The editing community resembles a hive of bees right now, a very happy one.


I'm not trying to be secretive, timamie261, but, I do not have the authority to make any public announcements, I'm just giving you what information I feel comfortable giving you.


So deos this mean that the "site suggestions / submissions" that were made by people in the past were restored and are being reviewed or are these new site suggestions from another soruce out side of the normal suggest a site link provided in the past?


thanks !!!

for the detailed information.


I never expected sooo many answers for my single question. :D


But I remember, that a successfully submission took about ONE year, when the odb was working.


So there's just the question what all the searchmachines are doing meanwhile.


so long.





Exactly, :) .


Please do not take offense which half?


A - The "site suggestions / submissions" that were made by people in the past were restored and are being reviewed.


B - New site suggestions from another soruce out side of the normal suggest a site link provided.


C - Both A and B.


D - I am not at liberty to comment because it privileged information.


E - Other


You're very obstinate, timamie261, and I notice you didn't use this one as a choice:


When we have an answer for you, we'll update the announcement thread accordingly.


I tried to give you a little information, which was obviously a mistake, you weren't satisfied. I should have answered you as meta editor motsa answered you.


"Exactly" means, exactly what motsa stated.

You're very obstinate, timamie261, and I notice you didn't use this one as a choice:




I tried to give you a little information, which was obviously a mistake, you weren't satisfied. I should have answered you as meta editor motsa answered you.


"Exactly" means, exactly what motsa stated.



Firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, or entreaty, not easily controlled or overcome.


No not "obstinate" I am just asking questions, and wanted clarifications on your answer.


If I want speculation and misinformation I can talk to the NYS DEC, and get plenty of that. GM after all these years has decided to settle and take resposabilty for their actions figurs after I move. Got the news last week water shed worse then Love Canal.


So like I said please dont take offense.


No offense taken, just trying to be perfectly clear, ;) .


The NYS DEC is not one of my favorite organizations either, as I have to deal with them personally. But, that's govment for you. :D

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