hench2008 Posted December 26, 2006 Posted December 26, 2006 I try several time to submit my link into DMOZ ,but it never be approved. Who could tell me the detailed reason? Best Regards
Meta Eric-the-Bun Posted December 26, 2006 Meta Posted December 26, 2006 Hello hench. If the site is listable, the most probable reason is that no one has reviewed it yet. As you know from the yellow and red announcement at the top of the forum, we are currently experiencing problems with the site suggestions (amoungst othe things). When the problems are resolved, suggest the site again, and then forget about us .In the meantime why not read our FAQ regards Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.
rizwan Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 how long it will take to fix the small suggest site thing?
RZ Admin photofox Posted December 29, 2006 RZ Admin Posted December 29, 2006 The announcement at the top of each forum gives all the information we have. It also notes that we currently have no estimated time frame for everything to be fixed. Thanks for your patience. Curlie Admin photofox
jcampb5950 Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 I entered in my website to the ODP 6 months ago and it was to the correct catergory. I have been patient but how long could it take to get my website reviewed? There must be a way to speed up the process, please help!
jimnoble Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 how long could it take to get my website reviewed?We don't know. As the FAQ explains, it could be anywhere between a few days and a few years. There's no legitimate way to speed up the process.
Meta pvgool Posted December 29, 2006 Meta Posted December 29, 2006 > I entered in my website to the ODP 6 months ago and it was to the correct catergory. That is good. Thanks. > I have been patient but how long could it take to get my website reviewed? We don't know. Realy, we don't know. > There must be a way to speed up the process, Sorry, there is not. > please help! You might want to read our FAQ. It might help you to understand how DMOZ works. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
Meta hutcheson Posted December 29, 2006 Meta Posted December 29, 2006 The process works fastest when editors can concentrate on their chosen task without being distracted by competing/duelling priorities. That way, in the long run, everyone wins.
joemc Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 This is my first time in here I have been trying to get my website listed for years, I submit every few months but never get listed. It is a very ordinary uncontraversial site and I have not broken any of the rules. In my more paranoid moments I feel a business rival must edit the relevant category!
Meta hutcheson Posted December 29, 2006 Meta Posted December 29, 2006 If you feel a business rival would be that concerned about page rank, as opposed to anything that might conceivably be paramount to a real business -- then there's a more fundamental problem with the website. And it's this. You see, if a business rival thinks that whatever information surfers are looking for on your site, they could find something "similar enough" on HIS website, then ... that's pretty strong evidence that there's nothing obviously unique about EITHER website. (There may still be something unique, but if so, it's not OBVIOUS.) The editors are always going to focus first on sites with an OBVIOUS POTENTIAL for uniqueness (which is, again, not the same thing as uniqueness, but it's a very good first estimate.) So what you should do is make sure that whatever uniqueness your site has, is obvious. That's your best route to influence the editors.
Meta pvgool Posted December 29, 2006 Meta Posted December 29, 2006 I submit every few months but never get listed .... I have not broken any of the rules. You just wrote that you broke one of the important guidelines (we prefer not to call them rules). http://dmoz.org/add.html cleraly states Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
joemc Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 page rank is everything when you are in my business. I run an internet based villa rental business specialising in in a tiny area of Turkey. Very few people would have the knowledge to edit such a niche, making the possibility of the editor being a rival a definite possibility. Oh no I am really paranoid now:)
Editall/Catmv makrhod Posted December 29, 2006 Editall/Catmv Posted December 29, 2006 I submit every few monthsBut Please only submit your site one time.I have not broken any of the rules <added> too slow. But also, please read the FAQ. FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor. I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.
joemc Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 Thank you I'm grateful for that, what should I do , just wait for 2 years. In FAQs it said I could resubmit, however. I'm confused.
joemc Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 If I have sinned against DMOZ, do I have to resubmit or just wait? I first submitted my site 3 years ago.
Editall/Catmv lmocr Posted December 29, 2006 Editall/Catmv Posted December 29, 2006 It does say you can resubmit - but only once, not every few months. You can read it for yourself. Added - since DMOZ is not a God you can't have sinned against it. The suggest a URL is not working at the moment anyway, but we won't hold it against you if you suggest the site one LAST time after it is working again.
Editall/Catmv makrhod Posted December 29, 2006 Editall/Catmv Posted December 29, 2006 A little time reading usually saves a lot of time posting. FAQ about becoming a volunteer ODP editor. I edit for the ODP and support those guidelines at all times, but my opinions are my own.
Meta hutcheson Posted December 30, 2006 Meta Posted December 30, 2006 >Very few people would have the knowledge to edit such a niche, Ah, but the ODP selects for knowledge. There are two different orthogonal subcategorizations here: (1) Location (and anyone can find the place on a map!); (2) Kind of business (and we've got hundreds of editors who know about travel agents of all kinds. And it is those hundreds of editors who know general industries (and can use a map) who'll be doing the vast vast majority of business-site edits. The chances that one of them is competing with you is virtually nil.
Meta pvgool Posted February 9, 2007 Meta Posted February 9, 2007 Who could help me to add my website into DMOZ. Nobody. Please read all previous answers to this similar question. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
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