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Does anyone know if too many Google Adsense ads in your sites will prevent it from getting listed? I have two sites with plenty of (what I consider) helpful information that I have been trying to get listed for a while,


<URLs removed>


is it a lost cause because of the Adsense?


We won't address your specific site, because that would constitue a review.


I general terms, having Adsense will not cause a site to be declined if there is sufficient content to warrant a listing.


Look at it this way.


Adsense is not content.


so we close our eyes and pretend the Adsense is not there.


Now, does or does not the site have sufficient unique content to warrant a listing? This is a yes/no question.


If it has sufficient content, and there are no other impediments to being listed: under construction/violations of listing guidelines/dupe/mirror/spam, etc. then we will likely list the site.


If there is not sufficient unique content, we are not going to list the site. Period. With or without Adsense.


Best example: Bubba builds a site that is a quasi directory, paraphrases a bunch of chamber of commerce-type content found elsewhere, and puts up the site with a lot of adsense on the front page. Bubba's site will never get listd, and Bubba will assume it is the Adsense, but in reality it comes down to what dooms the vast majority of sites: lack of unique content.


This isn't rocket science, folks. It's all about unique content. Plain and simple.


As Specter said ...


But I would like to add ... if the AdSense is all I see when I visit the site, if I have to scroll too far down the page to get beyond the AdSense, I question what the site is really about. When it's difficult to ignore the AdSense, I usually don't dig very deeply ... whether I'm editing or whether I'm visiting for personal reasons.

The Old Sarge



War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.


John Stewart Mill

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The Sarge is following the founder's express explicit instructions: if (in the judgment of the editor) a site exists primarily to drive commercial traffic (via advertising links of ANY kind), then it should not be listed.


A lot of sea-lawyer spammers see affiliate links mentioned in the submittal policy and say "I don't have affiliate links, I have paid advertising or adsense or ..."


It doesn't matter. They're all the same, and they're treated all the same (as the militaristic posters have described.)

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