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Hello there,


I have been browsing the forum for information on listings and found friendly advice that I would try.


I suggested a website to the following area over a year ago now and have no result with my listing. I have monitored the http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Alternative/Massage_Therapy_and_Bodywork/Thai_Massage/ and have also noticed that there have been no changes to this area since my submission, so would like to inform editors that this area has been inactive for quite some time.


I have read all submission and editor guidlines, so I am aware of your policies, however would greatly appreciate a review of this area.


Many thanks

I'm not sure where you got that "friendly advice" from but it's really not recommended. While we appreciate being told about categories with a lot of bad listings or invalid sites, we don't really need to have neglected categories pointed out since that covers much of the directory. Thanks.

negative feedback


As i would prefer to provide something productive to the DOP, maybe you could inform me how to apply to become an editor while the links are down?


Right now the system that deals with editor applications is down, so we're not able to process any new applications, and no-one is able to apply. Hopefully that will be fixed soon. (Watch the announcement here for more information.)


In the mean time, I'd suggest that you use any time you can spare to have a look at the FAQ in this forum, and some of the editing guidelines at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ . These both contain useful information that will help you with your application, and help prepare you for activities as an editor. You could also start looking for a suitable category to apply to, and searching for example sites (which aren't already listed there, but are suitable to be so) to include on your application.


Thank you for your willingness to become involved. :)

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