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<url removed> does not reflect the most recent information. changes have been requested twice in the past 3 weeks, but are not reflected in current searches. Is there any way to get this information updated?





  • Meta

I assume that you have submitted an "Update listing" request (as opposed to "Suggest URL") ; that is the way to ask for information to be updated. If you've done that, you have done everything you can. http://www.resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=41848 gives some good advice about update requests.


While update requests are typically dealt with quicker than site review suggestions, there is no set time frame for them to happen, I'm afraid.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
There is no need for repeated requests, the editors in that area will decide whether the request is justified, and whether they comply with our Guidelines. :)

I'm going to add that when you use the update request form it is very important to expalin what factual innacuracy you want corrected in the 'reason' field.


If you are trying to add keywords or non guidelines compliant Title and Description changes at the same time, the factual change may not be noticed when the update is declined because of the non-guidelines compliant content


eg "URL has changed", "We no longer are located in kickatinalong, but have moved to whykickamoocow", "The business no longer provides (insert product/service here)" Are likely to get the desired response, something like "Real estate in town1,town2, town3, town4, town5 and the greater state of megalomania, specialising in houses, homes, condos, flats, highrises, and much much more" is likely to get declined when the factual change required is that they are trying to say they opened a second office in the next town over.


Your Mileage May Vary, but I do many update requests most days, and clean factual requests are more likely to get done as requested, in my experience.

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