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I just received this email and wanted to point out what I believe is the only grammatical error I could find.


When adding, deleting, and moving sites, or changing a listing's URL, automatic notes document the action.

However, the you should mention a reason so your actions are clear to other editors who may edit the URL.

A reason must be given when deleting a site.


"the" should be removed from before "you".


Thanks in advance.

  • Editall/Catmv

I assume you are an editor, based on the information contained in the email.


There are no generic, automated emails. That email was written by the editor whose name is in the from address.


It's highly possible that the person wrote something else in the first place, and then erased most of it to start over again. I've done it myself, many times.

  • Meta

Sorry to disagree lmocr, but there are automated emails. When a new editor is accepted, he/she is sent an email with a short summary of the guidelines. I believe the above posting refers to this mail. I will check and correct the mistake if this is the case. Due to some tools (related to publishing changes to our documents) maybe still unavailbale after the crash it might take some time for the changes to propagate.


Anyway: As an editor, please use the internal forums for bugreports in the future. To have all bugreports in one placemakes processing them and researching on old problems a lot easier.


[Added Later]

Yes, I was right, it is in that mail. Unfortunately the system doesn't let me edit it, so I will file a bug report using our internal system.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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