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Persistent Doubt about Category Change Requests

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Hi Lachenm/Kokopeli and other very helpful Dmoz editors, <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Thanks a lot for all the help you have been giving to people like aus_dave, jspencer,etc. with the questions regarding moving of sites from one category to another.


I have a very peculiar problem for whose solution I checked through all the forums but couldnt get any solution that's why I'm forced to ask this question here. My site www.stylusinc.com has always been listed in DMOZ for more than 2 years in as many as 2-3 different categories. But since then, we have moved on. Our services offerings have changed and don't go well with the categories in which our site appears now. So I wish to move the listing of my site from the totally unrelated category to the related category as soon as possible.


The only solution offered to this on Resource-Zone.com forums is that go to the category in which it is listed and click on "Update URL". "Update URL" is offering us a chance to change the Site URL, Title and Description but NOT the category.

<img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

Please let me know where I can update the category of a site.


Is what you are saying that; I should update the Site URL, Title and Description right now and then tell the editor of that category that "see my site doesn't belong here, so please delete it". and then go to the correct category and submit the site all over again? Is this what you mean? If not, please let me know what I should do.


Best Regards,

Harish <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />

On the Update URL form there is a field for "Please describe the nature of your changes:" That would be where you would tell us that you think the site would be more appropriate in another category. Enter the category there. If the editor who reviews the submission agrees with you, they will forward the site to the specified category.

Thanks a lot Donald! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


I have done that. let's see how it goes! <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" />


Fingers crossed! Thanks Again.




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