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We have yet to execute/ban/homogenize any webmaster for two or even three submissions.


What we are trying to put a stop to are the serial submitter. The ones who start a forum thread with...."I have read the guidelines and have been submitting monthly/weekly/daily/hourly since and ....


Sure, you may have submitted your site before it was ready for prime time -- it happens. If you have significantly upgraded the content of a site, and honestly feel that it was probably not selected because it suffered from a profound lack of unique content -- then submit it one more time. Not 11 more times, but once.


Moderation in all things!

  • 1 month later...

COntacting editor


I wanted to contact editor of a category to see the status of my listing, It has been 1.5 years I have tried to list followed the guidelines, but I can not see the contact info of the editor. How do you get this info? I click the "edit" link and a pop up box with user name and password comes up. Please direct me. thank you.

If there's a listed editor for the category where you suggested your site, their name will be at the bottom of the page and you can click on their name to see their profile page, which includes a link for sending them a message. I would not recommend contacting an editor to ask about your site, though.

If there isn't an editor name at the bottom of the page, work your way up the category tree until you find one. Editors with permissions in a higher level category can edit in all of its children. Some of us can edit anywhere that we choose.


Be aware that we dissuade editors from responding to enquiries because such conversations so often end badly.


Contacting editor


Thank you for your prompt response and good advise. I was wondering, with your recommedations, if I can write to the editors in the following way,


"I commend you for your time and effort in making this directory reputiable and valued in the internet. To continue to help each other to continue to progress towards this goal, we like to take your valued advice to improve the content being submitted and receive some feedback. Specifically, I want to improve the sites "xxxx.com" so that they meet your standards and continue to add value to this directory. Your time and efforts are much appreciated."


Contacting editors


Thank you again. What do you suggest in this case?. How would you contact the editors, or not contact them at all. Please advise.

  • Meta

Whether you choose to try and contact an editor or not is up to you. You would have to travel to the bottom of the category page and click on the editor name for a listed editor. I wouldn't expect a reply, most editors don't reply to requests to examine specific sites and never read them. I also wouldn't expect any immediate action for similar reasons. As motsa said, it is never recommended to try and contact editors regarding the listing of a specific site and editors are encouraged to avoid responding to inquiries of the nature anyway. They almost never will result in a positive experience.


Specifically, I want to improve the sites "xxxx.com" so that they meet your standards and continue to add value to this directory.
Some free advice, don't try and model a site for the benefit of the editors (or any third party) because its better to model your site for the benefit of your sites visitors/customers. Building a site to fit their needs will be a much more rewarding effort, and a lot of times if its beneficial to your visitors the editors will find it beneficial for inclusion. ;)





*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





contacting editors


Thank you for response and advise. I can ask perhaps general questions like what are the main things they are looking for and the common mistakes or omitions site submitters make.?

  • Meta
You could, but again I wouldn't expect much of a response. Many editors would only refer you here for general questions. Many answers can be found in this forums FAQ and also in the Site Suggestion Instructions that one must agree to having read before suggesting a site.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





Contacting editor


Is it possible that a site can be banned from being reviewed, If so how can we find out if a particular site has been banned? Which things qualify a site from being banned?

Is it possible that a site can be banned from being reviewed,


A site can be banned from being listed.


If so how can we find out if a particular site has been banned?


You cannot.


Which things qualify a site from being banned?


The big three are: Attempts to bribe an editor, malicious spamming of the directory, attempts to deceive the directory through the use of mirrors, redirects, and the like.


The editing guildelines also have a list of the types of sites we do not list, but those sites are not banned, per se, we simply do not list them.


Additionally, it is very important to keep in mind that the editors of the directory have the sole, unfettered right to determine which sites will be listed, or not listed.


Since I couldn't see a link to it in the last few posts, you may like to read our Site Selection Criteria. This is the document editors refer to when deciding which sites to add.


Also bear in mind that we get a lot of suggestions from the public, so just because your suggestion hasn't been listed in any given time frame, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's been rejected. It could quite easily be that no-ones got around to reviewing it at all.

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