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Ooooooops ! sorry to the editors


I checked to see if my two domaims were listed yet (<urls removed>) but they were not ?


So, I thought I would submit them again yesterday, and selected TWO relevant catagories for each domain. I since read 'them rulez' properly and realised I should submit to ONE relevant cataegory only.


Please delete the most inappropiate category submission for each domain, sorry and thank you

  • Meta
We'll need to go further than that. Which is the main domain? (We'll delete ALL categories for the other one -- an auction website is an auction website even if it's spread across multiple domains, and the website as a whole should be submitted only once.

That was my first thought too, hutch, but actually neither of these websites are auction sites. They each are tools to be used by those using auction sites. One is for the seller and one is for the buyer. One allows sellers to upload pictures of the product they are selling on an auction site, and one offers a method of payment for the buyer who buys products on an auction site. I suppose they are related in that they both serve users of auction sites. But not sure either could be considered the main site.


That being said if these were my websites, I would have a main site geared toward all users of auction sites that would address both buyers and sellers and link to each of these sites.


Thanks, but they are two distinct separate services,


I followed the lead of Vendio and their catagory, for the image hosting site ( <url removed>) which has been in existance since 2000, and the Paypal category for auctionchex,


Until last year, all functionality 'used' to be in auctionpix, but I split it into two sites to avoid user confusion.


We are definatley not an auction site (like ebay) just a mere service provider :)



Until last year, all functionality 'used' to be in auctionpix, but I split it into two sites to avoid user confusion.



And by doing so you may have prevented one of them from being listed because they are definitely related, but I will leave that to more experienced editors.


Just for clarification though, I didn't suggest that the two sites be combined into one. I suggested a main site that would clearly distinquish the differences between the two and then link to each perspectively.

And by doing so you may have prevented one of them from being listed because they are definitely related, but I will leave that to more experienced editors.




I hope not, not keen on the idea of a portal site to benefit SEO only, for the two actual active sites.

I hope not, not keen on the idea of a portal site to benefit SEO only, for the two actual active sites.


Well once again to clarify, I was not even thinking in terms of SEO. I was thinking in terms of a better way to market your services to both sides of auction users.


Yes, thanks I know what you meant :)


From a marketing point of view I agree a single site is beneficial, but from a users point of view its not, they get 'confused' over which section to use for what. I found this when I launched auctionchex, users asked me to create a buyer section and a seller section, and in particular add a big red Pay Now button to make it very obvious what users need to do.


Combining both sites into one, even if it was only information text and links to the live sites would add to user confusion I think.

  • Meta

My 2 cents is that all the sites cross-link clearly and well enough so listing either means that all the other sites are accessible (ie no need to do what dogbows suggests - its clear enough to me already and I have my 'duh' moments). I would regard as the sites being one if only based on the freudian slip on one of the about pages. :D


In general we only want to list a business once and hence we ask for one suggestion per site. If the editor feels it deserves to be considered for more than one listing, they will then suggest the appropriate url along, which I have done many, many, many times. The 'receiving' editor then reviews it to see if they agree or not. A second listing also depends on whether the areas are sufficiently dissimilar that the different sections could not be listed under one category.


The aim is not to deny valid second listings but to reduce the confusion that multiple suggestions of related sites can generate.




PS just to clarify a point - many sites I review have started uploading all their pictures and videos to free hosting sites and the main site links to their areas on these sites. Only the main site gets a listing even though the sub-sites could stand on their own and have totally separate urls.


Conversely some sites hold more than one topic and, if the content apppears good enough to me, I will send it one as a suggested deeplink ( :o ok the next editor may not agree). The criterion is based on content not location.

:) Though I am a volunteer editor, my opinions do not constitute an official Curlie statement. :)

:o I reserve the right to be human and make mistakes. :o

:mad: Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored. :mad:

We won't be listing both URLs. Please see part one of our submission guidelines at http://dmoz.org/add.html and it's strictures against suggesting related websites.


Ok thanks, please delete the auctionchex submission then, thank you.


Can I just add there 'relationship' is only that they serve the same community, internet auction users, but each with entirely different needs.


An example would be eBay and Paypal, same owners same 'user base' but entirely different functionality, hence listed in different relevant DMOZ categories


I have been thinking about this overnight, and I have a bit of a problem it seems ?


I also have the domains:


auctionpax.com - that domain sells packaging items to the internet auction community


auctiontrax.com - that domain will provide yet another (completely different) service to the internet auction community


All my domains are auction 'something' ending in x, each completely different, but each appealing to the same user base, butvit appears I can only apply to have ONE domain listed in DMOZ ?


Surely there must be a way I can apply for each domain to be listed in the most appropiate category, as each category will be completly different?

  • Meta

You CAN. There IS a way to suggest each domain.


But first, read the submittal policy to see what will happen if you do.


Then think about what category is most appropriate for a conceptually-unified site consisting of "online-auction-related-software-and-services-provided-by

john-doe-programmer-extraordinaire" (or whatever it is that you call yourself for business purposes. What you call YOURSELF as business person, that is -- which is NOT what you call each particular product you produce.


Message received and understood (finally) thanks :)


I have now submitted auctionpix to :


Computers: Software: Internet: Servers: Shopping: Auctions: Assistance: Web Based


This should be my only application for listing ?

You should have one site that lists and describes all of your offerings, and it should link to all your other sites - and that is the only one that would be listed.
You should have one site that lists and describes all of your offerings, and it should link to all your other sites - and that is the only one that would be listed.


Gee Whiz, giz! What a wonderful suggestion. Makes you wonder why no one suggested it sooner. :D :D


Ok guys OK, us Brits may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer (sometimes) :D


Thanks again for your help/suggestions and humour


(I have also updated the auctionpix home page btw to include said links and some text to the other sites)

Ok guys OK, us Brits may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer (sometimes) :D


Thanks again for your help/suggestions and humour


(I have also updated the auctionpix home page btw to include said links and some text to the other sites)


Hey the brits I know are very sharp! If you stick around long enough, I think you will find that most editors do have a good sense of humour, and like to poke a little fun once in a while.


I really, really do not want to be a nit-picker here, but I cannot help but ask. Why have you not made the links to your other sites at the bottom of the pages live links. Seems to me that would be a biiiiiggggg plus to do so. Good Luck, with your suggestion! ;)


The other sites, are really just place holders, they have no content, each is on auto divert to the main site.


The 'escrow' domains, I 'collect' them as they become available to prevent misuse, as escrow is a BIG area for fraudulent sites, thankfully all the good names are now taken.


But point taken thank you, I may well get around to adding some content to the place holders and making them hyperlinks.

  • 6 months later...

Threads merged


My previous communique is here for reference:




I appreciate these things take time, as requested, I have one site (auctionpix) submitted but no listing as yet (yep - I have read the faqs).


At some stage I would also like to have 'chex submitted for possible inclusion and I also have 'trax and 'thanx, again with different functionality, but do not want to submit those yet untill the first one submitted is OK.


Any advice would be much appreciated (again) thank you.

  • Meta
No, I'm sorry but you can't request special treatment for your site - you can suggest a site for review, same as everybody else, but you cannot affect what happens after it's been suggested. The information and advice you were given in your previous thread still apply - the last post included. Thanks.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
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