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category: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Oceania/New_Zealand/Business_and_Economy/Classifieds/Personal_Advertisements/


the website "matefinder" is a just a redirect to the site "findsomeone" which is in the same category.


and the same site "findsomeone" agian is in the dmoz with another name but this time in another category


this time call it self "Kiwi Date"


im pretty sure this is agianst dmoz guideline. shouldnt the site be removed from the directory overall? because its the same website with three different URL's. it is unfair to others and editors who do extra work for cheeky site owners





"shouldnt the site be removed from the directory overall"

No, but only one url should be listed.


The NZ one is done, I've flagged the Society one for change, and another instance you missed.



the site is still in both categories with the same name now

Well, yes, is there a problem with that?


Note they have the same url now, not just the same Title.


oh, so if you have the same url you can be in multiple directories?

im just curious now because my site also qualifies for multiple categories so i can apply for another category.


if thats not the case this site should be removed from one of the categories just to be fair.

oh, so if you have the same url you can be in multiple directories?
Is a misrepresentation, which would better be stated as
The same url can be in multiple categories at the editors discretion

In the general case here, a site might be listable in a Topical category (Society) by type of site and in Regional by location (or relevance to a group of locations).


Whether it is is up to the editor.


We ask that a site be suggested to the single best category and the editor should list it in any alternate places if appropriate.


my site also qualifies for multiple categories so i can apply for another category.
See above, if you are positive it belongs in a Topical and a Regional category then suggesting it to both won't get you labelled a spammer. Suggesting it to multiple Topical and/or multiple Regional; categories will.


if thats not the case this site should be removed from one of the categories just to be fair.
We are not about 'fair' to site owners, but to those seeking information. If the site has content that justifies listing in a more than one category it is listed in more than one, if not, it's listed only in the one that relates to its content.


You are the only one who has control of what is on the site, which is what at the time of review determines if/where it is listed. Sites do change content after listing and where the content changes the site can be removed, the description updated, the category changed, or even be added in additional categories, but all by the editors, not by repeatedly suggesting the site again elsewhere.


If you or anyone else sees a problem with a listed site, they can use the 'update listing' facility from the category screen. However multiple listings are not neccessarily a problem, listing the same content under multiple urls is.


If you would like to read more, the guidelines are public at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/ multiple listing section is at http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html#multiple

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