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After spending some time reading these forums it seems there are several bitter people upset about their site either not being approved or the approval process taking too long.


It's obvious that the main reason people even care about being accepted is because Google uses this directory for their directory and it does help your search engine ranking substantially.


So considering the "google" point - shouldn't your anger be directed at Google and not Dmoz? It seems to me that if Google is really interested in providing the most accurate search engine results they should not be looking at a single directory nor should they place so much weight on results because a site happens to be lucky enough to make it through the vast number of submissions on dmoz.


I've submitted a site to dmoz and it has yet to be approved even though the directory I submitted to shows an update date since I submitted. I did not/have not reached for my keyboard to flame these forums or yell at the editors/metas because I'm rational and realistic. I'm sure they are tired of hearing it over and over and over again. Especially when they have taken the time to post rules, restrictions, help info, etc.


On the flip side there are mistakes made by those submitting sites that causes them to submit again and perhaps they risk looking like spam instead of a legit submission. I know I've submitted a couple of times because I didn't fully understand the best way to submit the first time and was trying to improve my listing. We should all be more understanding.


This directory is based on human submission, human approval and ultimately human error. At the same time we are probably avoiding the War Games scenario.


So my post is mostly directed at those angry posters I see here often. Lets take our anger, dissapointment and suggestions and direct them where they might truly be effective.


P.S. Would it be helpful to dmoz if sites that were submitted got an automatic email when declined? I would imagine this would cut down on people posting here asking status, or resubmitting the site again and again thinking it just got lost in the submission which would further clog the system?


Thanks for your time.


Usually, no, it wouldn't be helpful because then the suggester wants to know why it was rejected, how they can make it acceptable, who rejected it, what did they say, and how to contact the editor to argue their case, all of which we can't and won't discuss. :D


Also, there is a bit of miscommunication about what the goal of the Directory is, what we are interested in, and what the Directory isn't.


We are not a listing service for site owners, we're trying to build a helpful resource for the web surfer. That means we look at sites from the perspective of the web surfer, and how a site suggestion might add value to a category. :)


Hey Crowbar, I can understand your point of view. However, it seems that those things are happening anyway. People submit, wait months, don't see anything, don't hear anything and submit again or post here asking why, or email editors directly asking for status checks.


Thus why I thought a simple automated response that had simple text in it stating exactly what you did above. Essentialy saying that there will be no discussion of why it was declined.


Perhaps this might just cut down on the clog? Just my opinion. Thanks for you response. I appreciate your time.

It seems to me that if Google is really interested in providing the most accurate search engine results they should not be looking at a single directory nor should they place so much weight on results because a site happens to be lucky enough to make it through the vast number of submissions on dmoz.

The average site deemed "lucky enough" to get listed, is worth more than the average unlisted site. Logic and experience dictate it; and any search engine would be foolish not to consider it. I'm putting "lucky" in quotes, because it can be used everywhere. Did you get your current job because you were better than the other applicants, or because you were "lucky enough"? I don't think luck accounts for what happens on ODP any more than it does elsewhere in life.





There is another very important reason we don't sent reject notices.


This directory, just like your e-mail inbox, is subject to a constant barrage of spammed suggestions with such lovely tricks as cloaked redirects, mirrrors, attempts to have one set of content visible to editors and another to surfers, etc.


If we start sending reject notices, Freddy Spamalot learns that attempt #17 got caught and then attempts #18. If Freddy does not know if we have nuked attempt #17, he may well delay trying attempt #18 for fear of giving away what he did with #17.


Remember, there is a vast community of so-called "SEO professionals" who regularly do everything in their power to twist DMOZ to their own perverted goals -- and a lot of what we do (or don't do) is colored by that knowledge.

The average site deemed "lucky enough" to get listed, is worth more than the average unlisted site. Logic and experience dictate it; and any search engine would be foolish not to consider it. I'm putting "lucky" in quotes, because it can be used everywhere. Did you get your current job because you were better than the other applicants, or because you were "lucky enough"? I don't think luck accounts for what happens on ODP any more than it does elsewhere in life.





Ron - have a read about luck over at wikipedia and perhaps you can answer your own question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luck


spectregunner - Your post makes the best argument of why not to send out rejection emails and it's hard to argue with that logic. Thanks for the explination.


Logic for confirmation email?


Yes spectregunner, that was a good explanation that I would never have thought about. I'm not interested in manipulating the odp for gain but I can see there are people out there that figure if they can do it they will.


Is this also why some form of confirmation for a submission is not sent out?


Confirmation screen


Ok - see I have submitted this site to so many places I honestly don't remember the last time I submitted to DMOZ getting a confirmation screen. I'm sure I did, but from my experience with other directories I was used to getting the email so I probably didn't even think twice before I closed the window.


There are at least three purpose I can see that email would serve; one, that I would be able to go back into my email and see that I had the confirmation information. The second would be that I think most of your traffic here would be reduced by people asking if their information has been seen and how long it will take. All of this could be addressed in the confirmaiton email. The third for me would be that I would not have ignorantly re-submitted my site as many times as I did. I know I can't say this for everyone, but I wouldn't have submitted my site again and again.



But all that stuff is in the submission guidelines - which you acknowledged you'd read and agreed during the suggestion process - and this forum's FAQ. If people don't read those, why would you expect the same people to read a detailed email?



Sorry Jim, I was really only speaking for myself. I know people don't read most of what any web site says when it comes to clicking Acknowledgment boxes, I have already admitted that I didn't read them when I submitted.


Maybe others would not even read the email, in which case you are right, my suggestion is crap because it won't reduce your support load here and people will still all ask the same questions.


My point for me was, that I did go straight to my email to see if I had a confirmation. When I didn't see one, I thought I goofed when I submitted my site the first time. Had I seen an email, I probably would have not come here to the forum as quickly. Key word, probably, so again you may still be right.


For some reason I like to take a pro-active approach to things and really discourage people from re-active roles. I believe it shows that I care more about what I am doing I guess.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I read the above messages and seems to be useful.

Anyway, I try since 2 years to submit my site <url removed>and I am wondering, do I have to keep going or do I have to quit?

The only thing that gives me courage is that a friend of mine tries almost 3 years and a half to submit his site and it is still in dark.

I hope that I have not to wait 1 year and a half to catch my friend or to see any light :-)

Even, I understand that with so many millions sites it is really difficult to handle them.

I wish good luck to all of you with the submissions, with the permissions and not only.

Just a question, the school furniture in which category do they belong?

Thanks for your time to read this.




I try since 2 years to submit my site <url removed>and I am wondering, do I have to keep going or do I have to quit?


You should submit your website once, and once only. Continually submitting the same website may get you flagged as a spammer. Once a site has been suggested it stays in the queue until it gets reviewed, whether that's 5 minutes or 5 years, they don't time out.


the school furniture in which category do they belong?


That depends on the website content. Does the website give info about school furniture? does it sell it? is it about making school furniture? Is it about a local business?


I have same pain like others, I submitted the website I think three or four time from last three years but still have not get result.

If I will say that I was wrong and if I will say DMOZ, the both conditions will not be the fair.


Anyhow, now with the reference of this discussion I would like to throw ball in your court that I have the website for Medical and Beauty Instruments <url removed> What do you think that where it should be submitted?




jimnoble I think you are the only source who can help me in this matter.

I have submitted my website in as follow headings,


Health+Beauty+Manufacturers+Tools and Equipment+Tools and Appliances.


Please suggest me if I submitted in wrong heading. Thanks for taking your precious times.


Submission Suggestion


Anyhow, if you'll excuse me, I've got some editing I want to do.


jimnoble I think you are the only source who can help me in this matter.

I have submitted my website in as follow headings,


Health+Beauty+Manufacturers+Tools and Equipment+Tools and Appliances.


Please suggest me if I submitted in wrong heading. Thanks for taking your precious times

I submitted the website I think three or four time from last three years


This could be where the problem is. Everytime you submit the same website it moves to the end of the queue. Plus, continually resubmitting the same site could get you flagged as a spammer.


Submit your website once and once only submitting more will only serve to increase the time it takes to get reviewed.


Anyhow, now with the reference of this discussion I would like to throw ball in your court that I have the website for Medical and Beauty Instruments <url removed> What do you think that where it should be submitted?

Sorry, we do not discuss individual websites in these forums. Submit your website once to the category which you believe to be the most relevant. If you accidentally send it to the wrong category then an editor will move it to the correct place for you.

  • Meta

I'm not Jim, zoneahmad, but I'll supply an answer anyway: the terms of service for this forum state that we cannot discuss specific sites here. (We tried for several years to have that kind of discussion and it only let to frustrations for everybody involved.)


If you have not suggested your site since October last year, you could send in another suggestion, since some of the unreviewed site suggestions were lost in the systems crash back then. If you should suggest the site to the wrong category, it will be sent to a better category by the reviewing editor, so although you should always try to find the one best category for your site, all is not lost if you pick a less suitable one. (If your manufacturing company has a specific location, you may send the site to the category for that location, under http://dmoz.org/Regional , in addition to the Health/Beauty category).


[added: wing is quick :) ]

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Dear nea!


Thank you very much for your kind suggestion. I think I have submitted the website after October.


Should I submit it in your suggested link?


Thanks wing, I will follow your instructions!


This could be where the problem is. Everytime you submit the same website it moves to the end of the queue. Plus, continually resubmitting the same site could get you flagged as a spammer.


Submit your website once and once only submitting more will only serve to increase the time it takes to get reviewed.



Sorry, we do not discuss individual websites in these forums. Submit your website once to the category which you believe to be the most relevant. If you accidentally send it to the wrong category then an editor will move it to the correct place for you.


I am nervous on this issue as well. I am more a newbie to submitting links, etc. I didn't even know that I submitted more than once because some of the directories serviced by DMOZ asked me to submit a site.


I hope I didn't shoot myself so hard in the foot. It seems like DMOZ is very successful and as such as growing pains. I would love be on there faster, but now I just hope to get on. I don't spam and just hope they can see that.


I gotta say, this whole internet marketing, directory stuff is tripping me out but fun at the same time. I am really enjoying focusing on my website and adding content, etc. It is fun to see more people coming in and actually tracking what they like. So while DMOZ might take a while, it has geared me to really pay more attention to my site, which has been frustrating but really fun at the same time.




Thanks for your comment. I thought I was pretty smart at times, but I keep having to go back and organize, organize, organize. I think when I eventually come out of this, I will truly know my site inside out, which is how I should know it. I have had some great ideas for it, now I just have to make some time.


Thanks again for the though. I am loving this forum.


This is a very interesting discussion as I am one of thousands that doesn't have any idea what is happening with his/her submission. I operate a small regional directory for Costa Rica and I can just imagine the kind of junk they get in their queues. Even on a small scale like me I receive 10 - 20 spam entries each day.


I'm sure if Google had no weight on the links in DMOZ then half the people would have interest in it, as stated earlier people like to use DMOZ & 100's if not 1000's of other directories for their own SEO purposes with no consideration for what it really is supposed to be.


If you are serious and have the budget for it spend a little bit of money on some other large directories, dmoz is not the only one.


I am unfortunate enough to have obtained a site that was in DMOZ before and is no longer there. I bought the site in January and who knows what happened for it to be removed in the past. (I have submitted only once since January and am waiting patiently).


I think a nice page that one could enter their domain and 1 of 3 statuses are returned queued, declined, approved. Upon the decline status they are provided a link to a decline page which explains some popular reasons and basically have no ability to rebut. This would mearly tell those what is going on with their submission and help them decide weather they need to make changes and try their submission again.


Just my 2 cents..



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