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I can not access dmoz.org


It Resonded


The connection has timed out

The server at dmoz.org is taking too long to respond.



Please check my ISP IP, is there anything blocked by dmoz firewall?

My IP is 203.166.205.xx

Because it is ok when i am using anonymouse.org






DMoz is a popular service and as it is a not-for-profit service we do not have the large collection of powerful servers behind us that many commercial services have. This means that at certain times while we have a lot of other users the servers will be slow to respond.


The error message you recieved suggests to me that your web browser gave up trying to contact DMoz servers because they were taking too long. If it had been because your IP was blocked you would have recieved a connection refused error.


Please try again another time.

  • 2 weeks later...
DMoz is a popular service and as it is a not-for-profit service we do not have the large collection of powerful servers behind us that many commercial services have. This means that at certain times while we have a lot of other users the servers will be slow to respond.


Please try again another time.




I like doing what I can to help make the ODP better but regardless of category, (in this case it was for Washington) I receive the following message an inordinate amount of the time:


The requested URL could not be retrieved




While trying to retrieve the URL:


The following error was encountered:


Unable to determine IP address from host name for

The dnsserver returned:


No DNS records

This means that:


The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.

Check if the address is correct.

Your cache administrator is






Generated Sun, 10 Jun 2007 19:02:00 GMT by dmoz.org (squid/2.5.STABLE3)



This continual failure really makes it difficult for me to help out.





The main website is at http://dmoz.org without any www. I've had no problem accessing it for months and I guess that I'm a much heavier user than you.


In theory, http://www.dmoz.org should arrive at the same content (it does for me).


What happens when you remove the www from your examples?





Any thought's about the problem I mentioned in post #4 of this thread?


Anything is always possible but if I had similar problems when doing general websurfing, I might be more suspicious of my own equipment.





I've gotten those errors occasionally myself browsing the public pages. I would consider it a lingering effect of the server outage, myself, as it's been happening intermittently since about then.
I've gotten those errors occasionally myself browsing the public pages. I would consider it a lingering effect of the server outage, myself, as it's been happening intermittently since about then.





An additional symptom is that the condition seems to be "bursty" I can start clicking through a category thread without problem, report a few hijacked links and then all of a sudden, when clicking to a different category or, even refreshing the browser, I get the error. From that point on, I seem to get the error in excess of 50%. It gets to the point where I can no longer continue and have to find something else to do. If I come back an hour later, everything is fine.





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