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I keep submitting my site to the business area of DMOZ for a year now at http://www.dmoz.org/World/Greek/Επιχειρήσεις but it seems to me that noone is listening.


I am submitting following DMOZ's guidelines, sites that belong to well know international corporations.


There are thousands of legitimate Greek sites waiting to be enlisted in DMOZ but no action is taken whatsoever.


If this process is taking ages to complete why don't you add more editors to help you out? I am sure there are quite a lot of people that would like to contribute (including me).. why don't you give them a chance?




Ελληνικά websites


Παρακαλώ τι θα γίνει με τα Ελληνικά websites ?

Περιμένω εδω και καιρό να γίνει registered το http://www.URL removed στην κατηγορία των ασφαλιστικών εταιρειών και δεν γίνεται.


Υπάρχει λόγος;


Το submittion ακολουθεί όλα τα standards του dmoz.:icon_arro


Παρακαλώ ας με ενημερώσει κάποιος....


Any news?


Κανένα νέο με το συγκεκριμένο θέμα?


Δηλαδή ο μέσος όρος αναμονής για να ενταχθεί ένα site στο dmoz είναι ένας χρόνος :confused:




Παρακαλώ να με ενημερώσετε αν είχαμε κάποια εξέλιξη σχετικά με το θέμα της καταχώρησης του website μας στο dmoz.


Πάει πάνω από χρόνο αυτή η υπόθεση και θα ήθελα να μου γνωστοποιήσετε τους λόγους για τους οποίους αγνοείτε το συγκεκριμένο site.




Just as i thought


Nobody is reading this Greek thread


I have been asking for information for a long time but no response from a Greek moderator...



  • Meta

Sorry, but if someone doesn´t feel like answering your posts nobody can force them. Please move on.


[And this Forum is still intended for threads in other languages than English, so please post in an English Forum if you have further questions.]

Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator


What do you mean "Sorry, but if someone doesn´t feel like answering your posts nobody can force them"


Aren't you supposed to provide a decent level of response to your members?

Where are the Greek moderators and why doesn't anyone let them know there is a Greek thread in here?


Your post made me feel really bad. I am not a spammer or a lammer i just have a resonable question... WHY does a site submission must take ages to complete?

  • Meta

I didn´t mean to sound harsh, maybe it´s the language barrier because English is not my mothertongue.


Not all editors are willing to engage in this Forum. No editor is forced to talk to the public through this Forum. Editors do this on their spare time and no-one can tell them to do things they don´t want to do.


As you may know ODP doesn´t provide a timeframe for submissions to be processed, it´s just the inherent backside to having a free submission policy.

Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator
it´s just the inherent backside to having a free submission policy.


OK i understand.

But it's almost a year and a half i have submitted my site to a specific category and the number of sites there are 8 for a year and a half as well. That means that either there is noone to addGreek sites to that category or someone overruled any Greek submissions.

Aren't you supposed to provide a decent level of response to your members? Where are the Greek moderators and why doesn't anyone let them know there is a Greek thread in here?
We don't claim to (and it would be impossible for us to) provide interaction between editors and non-editors in all languages here on this site. This is especially true of threads in the Non-English forum where we may not have a meta editor willing and able to moderate in your language. Editors (even meta editors), like non-editors, participate here voluntarily. For example, the only language that I could personally guarantee interaction in is English, though there are other active languages as well, because I know that there are a large number of English-speaking editors who frequent this site.


If you want to and are able to converse in English, then posting outside of the general Non-English forum will net you better results because fewer editors read and post in the general Non-English forum than in the English forums.


But it's almost a year and a half i have submitted my site to a specific category and the number of sites there are 8 for a year and a half as well. That means that either there is noone to add Greek sites to that category or someone overruled any Greek submissions.
Unfortunately, because of the volunteer nature of the ODP and the need for editors to be literate in a non-English language in order to edit in World/<language>, fewer editors are generally active in many of the languages and it can take a long time for a suggested site to be reviewed there. There are active editors in Greek but not as many as you might find in, say, the French or German sections of the directory and, like all editors, they all edit where they choose to edit -- if none of them choose to edit where your site belongs, then your site will have to wait until someone does choose to edit there. I realize it is frustrating to you but I'm afraid that, due to the nature of the ODP, it's the way it is.
  • Meta
....i have submitted my site to a specific category and the number of sites there are 8 for a year and a half as well. That means that either there is noone to addGreek sites to that category or someone overruled any Greek submissions.
It does not mean that there is no one that can add Greek sites, nor does it mean that someone 'overruled' submissions. More likely, no one has taken an interest to edit that category. No one "overrules" public submissions. They are filtered into the appropriate category's unreviewed pool along with every other suggestion (both public and editor suggested) and they never expire. They sit there waiting for an interested volunteer to take an action (list, reject or move) on them.


Public submissions are but one resource editors can use to find and list sites, in some areas the public suggestions are not very useful in that task and therefore editors choose to utilize the other resources at their disposal. Some editors choose to review suggested sites, while others choose to find good sites on their own via other resources.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.





For the first time in my life i see this : "Some editors choose to review suggested sites, while others choose to find good sites on their own via other resources"


Shouldn't all editors firstly take into consideration the submissions and then search for good sites on their own?


I mean, this is totally unproductive. You have a whole bunch of good sites waiting on the approoval list, pending there for years and yet some of them decide to conduct a search of their own...


Shouldn't there be some kind of auditing on editors? It seems to me that sometimes DMOZ doesn't show respect to those corporations that decided to spend so much time in order to submit one, two or even twenty times their sites here so that noone will review and finally add them.


This is outrageous!

  • Meta
For the first time in my life i see this : "Some editors choose to review suggested sites, while others choose to find good sites on their own via other resources"
If you spend anytime on this forum, you will see that message quite often. It is no secret, editors try very hard to explain that fact whenever its misunderstood.


Shouldn't all editors firstly take into consideration the submissions and then search for good sites on their own?
No. Editors should spend their own volunteered time how they choose in order to find as many unique and content rich sites they can (by any means possible) that benefit the category they have chosen to work on.


I mean, this is totally unproductive. You have a whole bunch of good sites waiting on the approoval list, pending there for years and yet some of them decide to conduct a search of their own...
This might be true if 1) most of the suggested sites were in fact good candidates for inclusion, 2)the directory was a listing service and 3) if there were no other resources available that provided better sources of sites. The reality is that in many categories, the public submissions have been rendered useless by the amounts of spam and junk that gets suggested. In those areas, the editors are much, much more productive looking on their own than weeding through the junk to find the gem. As the directory is not a listing service, sites are not waiting for approval. They are waiting for review, not all are going to be listed and the directory is thankfully there are plenty of places that are good resources for finding sites. Note: Some areas are far less spammy and the public suggestions in these areas are a much more useful resource. Generally these areas have lower volumes of public suggestions as well.


Shouldn't there be some kind of auditing on editors? It seems to me that sometimes DMOZ doesn't show respect to those corporations that decided to spend so much time in order to submit one, two or even twenty times their sites here so that noone will review and finally add them.
The directory is not a listing service, and site owners are not the customers that dmoz serves. Also, site owners are not always the ones suggesting sites. In fact, it is my experience that when a site is suggested by one of its visitors it is far more likely to be suggested correctly and follow the guidelines making it much easier to review. We appreciate everyones help in finding sites, including site owners and unless I am mistaken we gladly thank the suggester of a site with a "Thanks" page following their suggestion. We freely accept public suggestions, out of respect for those who would take the time to help us on this project. Those who suggest their site to us 'two or even twenty times' have IMO disrespected the directory by failing to read the instructions that they agreed to having read and understood during the suggesting process, which explicitly states not to spam the directory with multiple suggestions. And to address the question about the audit of editors, that is already in place. Every editor from the tiny 1 category newbie, to the Meta editors can look at every other editors logs and edit history. If an editor isn't following the guidelines or is having problems, there are plenty of eyes available to notice and address the problems.

This is outrageous!
It is outrageous that this volunteer project does exactly what it states it does? The editors volunteer their free time, to areas of the directory that are of interest to them. The find good unique sites for the topics they enjoy by any means necessary. They also allow non-editors to make suggestions. There is obligation that the suggestions will be used, only that we appreciate them and will look at each of them eventually and decide if they are of benefit to the categories. For example, I for one am glad that I can choose to ignore the public suggestions of real estate spam and choose to thumb through a local phone book to find potential sites to list.



*The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.*

It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place.

I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks.




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