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status of http://www.iberciudad.com/

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Dear Dmoz editors,

I am checking on the status of my website http://www.iberciudad.com I submitted it to the web promotion catergory.


I understand you editors are very busy and appreciate if you could take time to find the status of my web site.


Thanx very much for your time

im sorry i couldnt get the url tags working <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

im sorry i couldnt get the url tags working


Strange. Please try again to provide a clickable link to the category you submitted to. If you can't get the tags working, just copy and paste the URL of the category here.


The catergory is Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Promotion.

I hope you can help <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


have a nice day

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Thanks djdeeds...I've stopped looking if there isn't a clickable link--it takes too much for me <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


There are a very large number of sites waiting in this category to be reviewed...and this site was just submitted a few weeks ago (May 12). We normally ask that you wait at least a month after submission to even inquire (give us a change to review the site at least). There are so many sites waiting in this category, however, that it is likely to be quite awhile before it is viewed. I would suggest waiting at least three months or longer before coming back and asking again. When you do, please use this same thread.


well thank you very much for your time, im sorry about the mistake , i will definitely wait longer for the next inquiry.

Thanx alot , i know you ppl are very busy


keep up the good work

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