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status: www.woodenpropeller.com

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Guest seoreach

Dear Editors,

This is a strictly informational, non-commercial site that I believe I submitted to http://dmoz.org/Science/Technology/Mechanical_Engineering/Propulsion/Aerospace/Air/, but I must admit I had trouble finding the most appropriate category, as it really has more to do with antiques and collectibles in aviation. Since I barely know what I'm doing with webmastering, much less search engine submission, I must admit I may have submitted to another similarly appropriate category. This was submitted about 6 weeks ago, and there has been no re-submission of any kind.

Thanks for any update, if you have one.


  • Meta
For the overwhelming majority of sites there is only one appropriate category, and I think you have been listed in the best cat for your site (I don't have any experience of editing in that part of the directory, however). Your site can't be listed in Shopping, as that area of the directory is only for web sites that sell articles online.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Guest seoreach

Thank you.


BTW, my compliments to you on such a quick and helpful reply on this site. It's much appreciated.



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