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For the past two days i´ve been trying to submit a url but when typing the characters at the botom of the application and clicking on send an error messege appeared saying that i had typed the characters from the image wrong. I tryed again but same result. i confirmed that i was typing the correct characters. i reloaded the page and typed the new characters but same result. I tryed again and received an internal error message. i wrote to webmaster@dmoz.org but no answer. does anyone have the same problem?
  • 8 months later...
  • Editall/Catmv

Unfortunately, if you reload the page, you get the same CAPTCHA but it will not recognize the correct answer. You need to save your suggestion locally, and try again to get a new CAPTCHA.


Only AOL staff has the ability to edit the text of the CAPTCHA failure message, so, even though we editors are aware of the confusing text, we can't do anything about it.

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