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Hello, DMOZ is currently linked to my former site www.paulgoochimages.com

I allowed the domain to lapse, it was deleted and has now been taken over by another owner. The content of the site has no similarities with the content of the site which DMOZ was linking to, ie. www.paulgoochimages.com, it is now a marketing site.

I have created a new site www.paulgoochimages.org which does have the same content as the original site.

Would you please change the link to www.paulgoochimages.org

Regards, Paul Gooch

  • Meta
Fixed, however as jazzybon points out, please use the Update listing link in future. Thank you! :moz:
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
Sorry you had to have that unpleasant experience, yorick, it happened to me once also. Apparently, if you don't pay the ripoff fee to protect it, the url goes on some kind of webmaster auction block the day before you can reclaim it. :mad:
  • 3 weeks later...
rip off fee to protect it?...wots that?...anyway he said it lapsed....if i dont renew the lease on my house after the expiry date then i have no rights to it..why should domains be any different?..you dont own them..you lease them!
Some places, if you don't renew the lease on your house, you are automatically changed to a month-to-month tenancy. So, not a good analogy.

My url happened to be my very specific business name, there was no honest use for it, especially since it had very little traffic going to it. At one time, I took the site down, thought better of it, and the day before it became available to reregister, it was snatched up and held for ransom.


I work with my hands, so I guess I don't have much respect for people who play broker with personal urls. It was auctioned off before I could redeem it, because I refused to pay the ripoff redemption fee. The new owner got a good scare after I got done talking to him on the phone. It's probably a good thing he wasn't a hundred miles closer to me at the time, I was extremely pissed.

Some places, if you don't renew the lease on your house, you are automatically changed to a month-to-month tenancy. So, not a good analogy.


roflmao......by definition a lease is an agreed period for the terms of a contract. If a lease reverts to a month-to-month tenancy then it is because thats the law as applied to your lease in the area you are talking about. For the vast majority of tenancy leases across the world the end of the lease means the end of your holding. So a good analogy on my part and poor international understanding on yours. :p


Ironically, the same thing happened to me, but ended up with a happy ending.


I enquired with the new owner (who was across the pond in the UK). Came back at me with an outrageous fee.


Decided to be polite and say thanks, but not thanks, the site was not for profit and a labor of love, and the "allowance' my wife gives me to play webmaster simply would not cover any kind of premium. It was a 4-letter dot org, so I understand the potential premium.


Guy wrote back, said he looked at the internet archive and actually gave me the domain back. No fees, no charge, nothing.


There are some good people in this world.


One guy offered to buy my other domain, some kind of honest looking directory, and I told him he could have it for free. That was a little different case, the url could actually be used for something else, but, austinfurniturestripping? , who the hells going to use that, but me? grrr


Very amatuerish site, but it was just another tool I used in my business for my customers. A little more extensive than what I could do with a yellow page ad in the phone book, nothing else. Maybe I'll rebuild it someday. Gettin off topic.

  • Editall


Hmmm, Texas lap dances in Chippendales and Louis XIV chairs? :D

ODP Editor callimachus

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