Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 What's the purpose of this forum? Is it to do not answer to claims? Is it to make us wait for a delay? Is it to promote a democratie who doesn't works? Is it to give work to "meta editors" who haven't time to reference sites? And finaly what's the purpose of ODP? Yann French futur editor, if you'd like.
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Hy, As usual i answer to myself. I finaly received the mail of "ODP suicide"! It is the same as the second time (have a look on this thread if you speak french: The diference was on my name who was correctly put as an editor suggest me. An other one suggest me to put good site, It was. Maybe was it my first post on this thread who gave me the famous "ODP suicide" because it was at the same time (approximatly). Hope you'll enjoy. Yann French rejected editor as usual without any clear reasons.
Meta cmic Posted June 18, 2002 Meta Posted June 18, 2002 It's time for you to read the Guidelines of this forum, in French or in English The rules are the same : "les sujets suivants ne peuvent pas être abordés : Plaintes spécifiques sur le fait d'avoir été renvoyé comme éditeur. Plaintes à propos de personnes nommément désignées qui travaillent à l'ODP comme employés ou comme bénévoles. Discussions sur le fonctionnement de l'ODP. Discussions d'informations confidentielles quelconques par des éditeurs ou par d'anciens éditeurs. Discussions sur la manière d'utiliser l'ODP pour optimiser le classement dans les moteurs de recherche et favoriser la promotion de sites. L'ODP n'est pas un moteur de recherche. Nous classons des sites mais ne les mettons pas en avant. Discussions de questions éditoriales - celles-ci doivent être traitées dans les forums des éditeurs, pas dans le forum public. Discussions des manières de contourner ou d'enfreindre les règlements officiels DMOZ. Discussions de vos droits à la "liberté d'expression". Même si l'ODP se fonde sur des principes démocratiques, il n'essaie pas d'imiter un gouvernement démocratique. Vous êtes libre de parler de ce que vous voulez... ailleurs." "In particular, the following topics may not be discussed. Specific complaints about being removed as an editor. Complaints about specific people working or volunteering their time at ODP. Discussion of the ways in which ODP runs itself. Discussion of any confidential information by current, or past, ODP editors. Discussion of how to use the ODP to optimize search engine rankings and site promotion. This ODP is not a search engine, and we don't rank or optimize web sites. Discussion of editing issues - these should be discussed in the editor forums, not in the public forum. Discussion of ways to circumvent or violate official DMOZ policy. Discussion of your "Freedom of Speech" rights. While the ODP is based on democratic principles, it does not try to imitate a democratic government. You are free to talk about anything you want... somewhere else." Thank you. Merci. dmoz blog
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Did i? Sorry for it. it was not my purpose. But? What are you doing there? Is it a misanderstoud? Or are you the "ODP BOSS"? If it is i'm sorry one more time. My subject is why...??? Why don't ODP reply with a positive answer and not a standard answer as you did two times? etc... Thank's for your too fasters answers. Yann
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Please answer first (positively) to my first question: And then, if you'd like, and if you'd have time answer to: And then if you still have time before your childs, husbands, dogs answer there. Yann A futur-editor tired to make applications...
Meta yklaw Posted June 18, 2002 Meta Posted June 18, 2002 My French is useless, but from what I can gather, I think cmic and tloury have answered your questions adequately in the French fora. I am afraid, as they said, we can't always give personal responses - they're just too busy. It's not something that I fully appreciated either as a junior editor in DMOZ - in fact it was only after I got language level that I realised how much there's to do. Please, don't start multiple threads to discuss the same thing. Thanks. /images/icons/smile.gif
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 I understand that you can't give a "specific answer" to everybody. But, is it too hard to supress the bad subject of rejection? For exemple: on the french fora, she or he (to respect the guidelines), said to me that the problem was that i didn't put my second and first name (I did it, because i didn't thought it was a problem). It wasn't the good reason (i were rejected minutes after the opening of this thread). Next, her or he, close my second thread (help wanted), in english, because the subject was the same in french and reject me to rhe french fora in which there is still no answer. I thought that the "guidlines" was for the same subject, but not in the same language (i hope that, her or him, excuse me on it). But why, her or him, did it without any discusions? I don't know but i apology. Today I open new subject without relations whith the first subject in french. Please dear, he or she, don't close this thread. Maybe will i be accepted because of your interest. Thank's a lot for the english part of ODP, even if the french part doesn't works. Yann
apeuro Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Bataan, I closed your thread in the Guidelines forum, because I thought you were more comfortable discussing this issue in French. If you would like to continue discussing this issue in English, by all means you are welcome to do so. /images/icons/smile.gif
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Thank's a lot Apeuro (if the guidlines allow me to quote with your pseudo). Thank's a lot for my confort. But if i choose to talk in english the reason was that the french didn't answer to my questions. Sorry for them. Maybe will they, i still hope. Thank's a lot for my bad english. I'm very sorry for it but if it's the only one way to have a new french ODP. I'll do. Except if it's disturbing. I hope the english part of dmoz will have a look a the french part. It's a surprise for every body who know an "Open project". Thank's a lot, Yann
apeuro Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Bataan, lay off the sarcasm. It's not neccessary. You asked a very general question, and you received some general answers here. I'm afraid that unless you ask a more specific question, we won't be able to help you.
Guest Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 There's no sarcasm. Please do somethings. Hope you'll understand. Yann
Meta windharp Posted June 19, 2002 Meta Posted June 19, 2002 We are doing something all day /images/icons/smile.gif . But as apeuro stated: Unless you dont tell us what you expect us to do (by asking a specific question) we are just unable to comply to your request. I am afraid that reading this thread I don't understand what to do. I am not seeing any question to answer or any job to do ... Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp
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