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Hi all,


I am only posting this in desperation as I first added my site to the Data Loggers and Recorders category about a year ago. It is still not being listed. I don't see what I have done wrong to be rejected if that is the case.


Sorry for being a pain but I didn't think it would take so long. Should I submit it again or sit and wait for there to be editor to review it? It does say in the FAQ's that it can take 2 weeks or longer. 1 year seems a bit extreme to me..


Cheers all


  • Meta

Last October, there was a systems crash where many waiting site suggestions were lost. The ability to suggest sites for review wasn't returned until January - so if you haven't suggested the site since then, feel free to do so, since the previous suggestion may very well have been lost in the crash.


One of the things many people misunderstand in the documentation at dmoz.org is the bit about it taking 2 weeks or more until review. In point of fact, it can take several years without there being anything extraordinary - it all depends on whether there is a volunteer who chooses to edit in the relevant category, and who chooses to review suggested sites rather than adding sites on their own or performing other editorial tasks. There is no time frame for reviews to happen.


There's information about this and other topics in the Resource-Zone FAQ :)

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

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