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buyobuy.com and stateofdiscounts.com

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Guest Sebi76

Hello guys


thanks for being editors for this huge directories. I know you guys are very busy reviewing websites for the whole world <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


I did submit http://www.buyobuy.com and http://www.stateofdiscounts.com in the first week of may 2003. Is there any progress? I submit to



I thank you so much if you guys can take a look at them.


Best regards


Senox had a much more accurate and less long-winded answer than mine <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
Sorry, but your sites seem to consist primarily of affiliate links and are therefore, according to our guidelines, not listable.
Guest Sebi76

Thanks senox for your reply.



So could you give me some number for a maximum amount of affiliates links in a website is not allowed to be listed in dmoz? (let's say, 80% is too much? or 50% is okay?)


Thank you for answering my innocent question <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

It's dealt with on a case-by-case basis so we can't give hard and fast numbers. I'd say you'd better start thinking of a number a lot closer to 0%.
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I agree with motsa, I wouldn't list a directory site with even 50% or 25% links. The purpose of directories as I see it is links to other sites instead of being affiliate link farms which is strictly against guidelines and are denied every day.
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