Guest Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 I'm hoping that someone here can give me a little guidance. I submitted my site, , to , twice over the past few months. It wasn't added to that category, and today a friend let me know that the site has been rejected as "not a directory". I'm confused. is very definitely a directory, with over 300 listings (okay, it's relatively new, and I'm still building the database /images/icons/wink.gif ). It accepts submissions from visitors, has a reliable search mode, and in all ways functions as a directory. Of course, the site includes a lot more than just the directory, but I can't see how that would stop it from being considered a directory. I'd really appreciate it if someone could take a look and let me know if I have submitted to the wrong category, or how to appeal this decision. Thanks.
Guest Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I think the site isn't quite right for the category (this may be what the reviewer actually meant). I see a lot of parenting and "for kids" stuff as part of your directory, for example. Sure there's other material, but it's quite thin and already well represented in ODP.
Guest Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I did submit the site to about a month before my first submission to the directories cat, but nothing happened there, either. As far as I can see, the only other option is to leave the education area altogether, and submit to , but that's not a very good option at all.
Guest Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 Firstly, I am not an editor so I cant really provide help in getting listed - I will however say that I have reviewed your site and several others listed at Education/Directories/ … If its any consolation I personally think your site would fit perfectly in that location. As for the desc.html page at odp which outlines acceptable sites – I see nothing at all that would serve to exclude your wonderful site. Keep up the great work ... remain persistent and vigilant as your site will surely be added soon.
Guest Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 Thank you for the compliment, wayfarer. I have put a great deal of work into that site, and will continue to do so, but it's discouraging to have put that amount of work into a valuable resource, and have it rejected from the most appropriate category of a major directory like ODP. I have submitted to one more time, and hope that the editor sees it as a good fit for that category.
Meta windharp Posted June 20, 2002 Meta Posted June 20, 2002 Remark to that category: Since everyone seems to be unable to sort his/her site into the appropriate subcategory there is a batch of 360 submissions waiting for review. A quick glance showed that most belong into existing subcategories... Even with two active editors it will take some time, so please be patient /images/icons/wink.gif Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp
Guest Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 Thanks for the info, windharp. I'll wait patiently /images/icons/wink.gif
Guest kujanomiko Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 Have you considered submitting to a subcategory of , the ODP's Kids only/safe part of the directory? All of the links there are meant for Kids and Teens, which seems to be the same for your site. Perhaps somewhere under the School Zone subcat?
Guest Posted June 23, 2002 Posted June 23, 2002 Thanks for the suggestion, kujanomiko. I had thought of that, but the site content is really geared more toward teachers and parents. The front page is written for younger readers, but that's intended to channel kids to the sections for them, so that they don't get lost, or bored, in the "grown up" stuff.
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