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How old is Jimnoble? and when does he plan...

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How old is Jimnoble? 83

When does he plan to retire from ODP? Never. They'd have to fire him.

What persuaded him to join ODP? He wanted to get a website listed.


Some of those answers might be lies.

Or perhaps they're all true :).

  • Meta

Or do you prefer other persons opinions on the issue, since you asked here in the forum?


How old is he? Judging from his experience he must be older than 100. Judging from his activities he must be younger than 50. Judging from his photo, the truth is somewhere in between.


When does he plan to retire? I hope he won't anytime soon. We still value the participation of people, even though they are retired in real life. Thinking about it, people who are retired in real life have a lot of time to spend on their hobbies, so they are ideally suited for the ODP, which can become a rather time consuming addiction :-)


Why did he join the ODP? I am sure he told me, but I forgot. Maybe it was because he was feeling lonely and speculated that there are lots of editor meetups in his area? :o)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



How old is Jimnoble?


Takes 15 minutes to blow out all the candles.


When does he plan to retire from ODP?


Never, his wife would make him start doing the dishes.


What persuaded him to join ODP?





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