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Hi when I try to update the URL for my site I keep getting this message, even though I am in the right category:


URL not found


The site [site URL] is not listed in this category.


Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form.


We have two listings and it is happening for both. Both currently have dead links. Does anyone have any suggestions? Sorry for the bother, and thank you.


K. :)


Are the sites actively listed? They may have been removed by our automated link checker.


If not, you will need to suggest the sites again using the correct URL.

  • Meta

Have you visited the category on http://dmoz.org/ (our own site) and checked that the URL you enter is the one displayed in the category? Copy&Paste helps to get it right.


The reason I ask you to check dmoz.org, and not Google for example, is that our automated and manual checks might have already unreviewed the listings. If you check at a datauser like Google, their data might not be up to date.


Apart from that, especially in categories often requested by users, the cache might hide changes that are a few days old. Since we operate severalö servers that cache individually, you might try to reload the page one or two times to check if things change.


When all that doesn't help, please report category and URL so that we can check for any possible technical reason.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




The sites are listed in dmoz. I assume that means they are active, but I don't know. Are there sites in dmoz that are not active (are mine?), and is there a way for me to tell?


As suggested I am using dmoz to check my listings, and I'm using copy and paste (and not only because I'm lazy :) LOL).


Lastly, I have just tried refreshing the browser twice. Then when I tried to 'update listing' it seems to hang (loading...loading...loading...) and not be able to complete. Is this particulate discussion stream the place I report this problem?


If so, the categories are:

Regional: North America: Canada: Alberta: Society and Culture: History


Reference: Archives: Regional: Canada


Thank you so much for all your suggestions. I really appreciate it. I know that ODP is a really important place to be listed if possible and my employer would really love me if I could accomplish this!




So today I checked and now one of the links is working! However it happened, thank you very much! There is still a problem with the 'update listing' process not functioning for Reference/Archives/Regional/Canada.


Can someone look into this? Thank you so much.



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