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We have been waiting patiently for more than 3 years now and my site has never been included. I read somewhere that you have had a servercrash and that site waiting for inclusion are lost?? Should I submit again? The website is <URL removed> and the category was:




By the way: in the three years I have been waiting there hasn't been added any site to the category. Did you forget about Andalucia? :confused:


Thanks a lot...



  • Meta

There was a server crash in October 2006 which caused most waiting suggestions to be lost.


If you have not re-suggested since then go right ahead and suggest again to the appropriate category.


By the way: in the three years I have been waiting there hasn't been added any site to the category. Did you forget about Andalucia?


ODP editors are volunteers who generally edit in places that they find of personal interest or have specific knowledge about. This category may not have had any sites added in the time you have been watching due to no editor having time or inclination to edit or because there have been no sites that could be listed.

Due to time constraints I will only answer questions in the forum and I will ignore any uninvited PMs from non-editors.

if you looked at the bottom of the page you would have seen:


Last update: 15:52 PT, Friday, February 15, 2008


Bit less than three years, wouldn't you think?

  • Meta

That doesn't mean a site was added then, though ;)


RalphD, the category you mention is very specifically only intended for sites that deal with vacation rental properties in Andalucia as a whole. Sites that are about a specific vacation rental property in a specific location, or a vacation rental company in a province or location, should be listed in that category and not in the Andalucia-wide category. (I notice a couple of misplaced sites in the category; I'll move them as soon as I have finished writing this post.) If that is the case, please find the relevant province under http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Spain/Autonomous_Communities/Andalucia.


Lodging in Spain is one of the very big spam magnet areas, as you'll appreciate. For that reason, editing there takes longer than in other areas, and many editors avoid those kinds of categories entirely. As always, we can't say how long it will be until somebody reviews a particular site in a particular category, but by finding the most relevant category you'll help cut the review time :)

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

Thanks for the information, I'll resubmit then. :)


And indeed, the category may have been updated but I have not seen any site added in the last three years.

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