ddarland1 Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 I am so confused I have been trying to get my sit included for over a year now. Still Nothing. Yet I see others who are direct competition getting included no problem. I know it is the right category and would really like someone to help me PLEASE. How do you know if the category you are trying to suggest a site to has an active editor? I am trying to suggest a Preschool Curriculum Company under: Top: Reference: Education: Early Childhood (223) Curriculum@ (18) Now there is no doubt this is the correct place for our business. I am at this point beyond frustrated. Not to mention the fact that the ability to communicate my frustration has no outlet. No way to contact anyone or follow-up on submissions. What do you do when you are a small business trying to make a name for yourself and one of the biggest obstacles is this directory. We don't have tons of money to pay for submissions that are supposed to be free. Can someone please help a struggling small business.
jimnoble Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 This forum's FAQ addresses most of your comments. Essentially, we're just a bunch of volunteers building a directory for the fun of it. Not all websites are listed, we don't have defined time scales and we aren't offering any service to website owners. What do you do when you are a small business trying to make a name for yourself and one of the biggest obstacles is this directory. If the success or failure of your business is dependent upon the activities of anonymous and uncontrollable volunteers, any business consultant or bank manager would advise you to cut your losses and cease trading now. Harsh but true.
ddarland1 Posted April 2, 2008 Author Posted April 2, 2008 So how long does the process of becoming an editor take? I was contacted privately and told that the area that I am trying to submit to does not have an active editor and there has not been any activity for the last year. No wonder we are not listed or any other valuable resources for earlychildhood educators.
jimnoble Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 In the English language, most applications to become an editor are processed within a couple of weeks and many are much faster than that. Some folks have complained because their applications were declined in hours. 'becoming an editor' takes rather longer .
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 Just So I Understand Ok, so the DMOZ is not for webmasters. Business who would like to include their sites are pretty much SOL. I can understand how it would be difficult for the editors to go through tons of submissions. The part I don't understand is why google even uses DMOZ as part of their ranking algorithm I kind of get the feeling that businesses with valuable content get the shaft if an editor does not take an interest in that particular topic. I was told yesterday in no uncertain terms that DMOZ is not hear to serve the webmasters. Ok, then why does Google affiliate with you. Whenever I do any kind of searches on the internet the majority of information on DMOZ is negative. For editors to say that it is not important or going to make a difference in your business is just wrong. The fact is it does make a difference in your rating within google. So of course webmasters are going to be all over this site trying to find out why their submissions are not being included. The whole concept is just really frustrating. For both the editors and especially legitimate businesses. Wasn't Dmoz originally started because they wanted an open arena for people of all interest to go and reference websites of interest. DMOZ was started I believe because of the shortcoming of the yahoo directory and slow submission reviews. Now those same issues are a DMOZ issue what can be done?
motsa Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 I kind of get the feeling that businesses with valuable content get the shaft if an editor does not take an interest in that particular topic.Essentially, that's an accurate assessment, though I wouldn't personally use the term "shafted". Ok, then why does Google affiliate with you. You would have to ask Google.
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 Well I would because that is how it feels. Believe me if I had the ability to contact someone directly at google I would. Unfortunately, they don't exactly make that very easy. If I had connections that made that a possibility I wouldn't need DMOZ to list my site in the first place. Right?
Meta nea Posted April 3, 2008 Meta Posted April 3, 2008 I was told yesterday in no uncertain terms that DMOZ is not hear to serve the webmasters. Ok, then why does Google affiliate with you. That question doesn't quite make sense to me. Google doesn't claim to be there only to serve the webmasters, do they? (Perhaps they do, though.) Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 Well would their be a Google if it wasn't for the hard working business that pay them money to advertise? The money comes from somewhere right? So yes, business owners like myself do contribute to googles success. I just think an open directory should mean OPEN not Will Return Later or Will Return When We Feel Like It. The process has way too many issues. It just seems like google could have their own directory that performs the desired purpose.
jimnoble Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 I think you'll find that DMOZ (then called GnuHoo) predates Google by a few months . Ok, then why does Google affiliate with you. You'd have to confirm this with Google but I imagine that they took our data because it was free.
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 So is there anyway that someone can check on the status of an editor application for me?
Meta shadow575 Posted April 3, 2008 Meta Posted April 3, 2008 So is there anyway that someone can check on the status of an editor application for me?Sure, visit the appropriate forum section and post providing us with the required information. Someone will be glad to take a look. Just be sure that it has been at least 2 weeks since you applied. Shadow *The opinions I offer are my own and may not represent the opinions of Curlie.org or other editors.* It can take anywhere from two hours to several years for a site review to take place. I do not respond to private messages requesting site status checks. _______________________________________________ https://shadow575.wordpress.com/
crowbar Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Sounds like she'd make a good editor, as long as she follows the guidelines and doesn't go on a click through binge. <G>
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 Thanks I appreciate that but I don't know what you mean by click through binge. I know I would make a good editor of the section I requested. Curriculum: I have an early childhood curriculum company and I am familiar with so many resources that are not currently available on DMOZ that educators everywhere could benefit from.
crowbar Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 What I mean is that there is more to editing than clicking the add button, . You sound like someone who would do a nice job though, so don't pay attention to me, I'm an ex-editor (for the moment). Your enthusiasm and your honesty makes me feel like coming back. lol
motsa Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Come on. You know you wanna. You're missing all the fun.
crowbar Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Actually, ddarland1 did inspire me enough to fill out the reinstatement form, but it went 404 on me three times. Course, there are a few metas hangin out in this forum I hear, .
ddarland1 Posted April 3, 2008 Author Posted April 3, 2008 So I submitted my application to become an editor. I should probably hear something within 2 weeks or so right? All I know is if they want an editor that is passionate and willing to devote a lot of time here I am. So crowbar why does it seem like very few people get accepted as editors? I noticed several postings on denials. Is that a common occurrence? Maybe you can put a good word in for me.
crowbar Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Well, I'm not a meta editor, ddarland1, but I don't think you'll need the help. I seem to have been reinstated, thank you motsa, .
motsa Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 ddarland1, in answer to your email, we can check on the status of your application after at least 14 days have passed per the "Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING" thread in the Becoming an Editor forum.
Meta pvgool Posted April 4, 2008 Meta Posted April 4, 2008 So crowbar why does it seem like very few people get accepted as editors? I noticed several postings on denials. Is that a common occurrence? Although I am not crowbar. Luckely I would say as one of him is enough :wink: BTW, welcom back crowbar. In this case adding 1 to 1 doesn't make 2. Yes, you can see several people asking about the rejection of their application. But does this mean only few people are accepted. No. The people who get accepted don't have a reason to post here. I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.
crowbar Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 Thank you, pvgool, . (and you can answer for me any time) Originally Posted by ddarland1 So crowbar why does it seem like very few people get accepted as editors? I noticed several postings on denials. Is that a common occurrence? The application is a process, rather than a form. It sometimes takes several tries to get it right. All editors go through it and for many current editors, it took more than one try. There's a purpose to this procedure, and we all go through the same process after we're editors, to apply for additional categories we'd like to edit in, so it's not personal, it's "business" so to speak. Even current editors have to demonstrate their knowledge of our editing guidelines, the category, and give reasons before they're granted other categories to edit in.
crowbar Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 Dude, my heart never left, I'm afraid, . Worst addiction I ever had.
ddarland1 Posted April 4, 2008 Author Posted April 4, 2008 Hey, crowbar I was accepted today as an editor. I am super excited!
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