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So where are they and what are they doing. Not adding new sites that`s for sure. I`m sure i can speak for alot of people when i say that so many of us are still waiting for such a long time, even years to see our site getting listed on dmoz. I`ve seen some categories sit there for months and months and nothing has changed. As for becoming an editor think again. It is just as hard to become an editor as it is getting your site listed.

They like to give alot of talk on here about how good the editors on here are at doing there job. That may be so for a hand full that are actually doing a good job, but what about all the rest. Dmoz is huge and from the outside looking it, it looks like nothing much is really happening. So there is no way there is 79,476 editors on Dmoz editing and adding sites. More like maybe 2,000 on and off editors and maybe a handful of good all day every day editors. So if you want your site listed on Dmoz there is more like a 2 or more years waiting list or maybe never. As for some editors i`m sure they keep an eye on the compertition of the sites in there category so if you have something you want in there category that they or their friends are selling, your never going to get listed anyway. I could go on but i think i need a smoke now and relax for 10 mins....


The number you are referring to is the total number of editors who have assisted with the project since its inception.


There are currently about 7,000 active editors. They:

* add thousands of good sites every day

* kill off thousands of garbage sugggestions every day

* work on the directory taxonomy, trying to build concensus in a global community that does not share a common language.

* share ideas and editing strageies with one another

* mentor new editors

* weed out dead or hijacked sites

* reorganize existing categories to better serve the surfers who use our site.

* have a little fun in the process

* make new friends within the global community


Of course, you KNEW there were about 7,000 active editors when you decided to troll us with the above post.


Well, dang, I thought this was my hobby, I already have a job, running my business, :D.


If this is my job, then somebody owes me 6 years of back pay.


But, you're right about being lazy, and I'm about to get lazier now that the weather is warming up. Sorry I don't use my free time the way you'd like me to use it, but, I do have other interests, :eek:.

  • Editall
Hey crowbar, you wouldn't be in the market for a couple of nice new shiny USMC license plate frames now would you? ;)

ODP Editor callimachus

Any opinions expressed are my own, and do not represent an official opinion or communication from the ODP.

Private messages asking for submission status or preferential treatment will be ignored.

Thanks a lot, Callimachus, but my wife does all the drivin, :), I just work 6 days a week in my business, never go anywhere. Now, if I wasn't so lazy, maybe I could get some editing done, too. :D

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