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I don't know what else I can do. I have been trying to get my site submitted for the last 6 years. I have submitted it every 2 years. Is there anything I can do to have someone look into it? We are a 40 million dollar a year company and on Inc 500 as one of the top 300 fastest growing Internet companies.


I know everyone says it is not corrupt, but how is it possible it takes this long? Is it possible an competitor is constantly submitting our site and putting us at the bottom of the list?


Is there anything I can do to have a senior editor look at my case?


I love what you guys do and respect that you do this in your free time, and hope you can see why I would be frustrated.




  • Meta

Whilst your frustration can be understood, there is no need to resubmit your site every two years. Submit your site once and then wait.


I appreciate that your company must be a very successful one, my congratulations, but we do not list companies, we list websites.


If you have evidence of abuse please do not hesitate to submit an abuse report. These things are taken very seriously and are only looked at by senior editors. Just go to the relevant category and click on the "report abuse/spam" link in the top right hand corner.


The most likely reason that your site has not been listed is that no editor has come to review it. Every time you resubmit your site it overwrites the previous one and sends it back to the end of the queue.


Sorry I can't be of any more help.

Due to time constraints I will only answer questions in the forum and I will ignore any uninvited PMs from non-editors.

Also, the clear up a common misuderstading, there is no list. Suggested sties go into a pool of submissions and editors who wade into that pool have multiple ways of sorting what is there.


However,having sadi that, we did undergo a signiicant server crash the end of 2006 that pretty well wiped out the bulk of sites in the suggestion pools. So, if you have not suggested your site since the beginning of 2007, go ahead and do so.


Now for some free advice: when you do suggest your site, take the time to use a guidelines-compliant title and description. Be sure the description tells what someone can find on the site -- don't just describe the company -- and cut out all the superlatives that the shirts in marketing want you to add. a well-crafted title and description is likely to catch the eye of an editor -- whereas a keyword-stuff title and description accomplished little more than an expedited trip to the wasteland of unrevewed sites.


How could you ever have proof? I have submitted other sites in the past and have been approved in a matter of days. What if a competitor is submitting our site over and over? Is there anything that can be done? The last time I submitted it was February 2006.


I truly believe that there is a conspiracy going on with that category, because one of the competitors owns 4 sites that have been listed and many of the other major sites are not admitted. Our site could not be more relevant or more legit.


Thanks again

What if a competitor is submitting our site over and over?

Rest assured that we are already aware of this possibility, and are able to take appropriate action where necessary.


I truly believe that there is a conspiracy going on with that category, because one of the competitors owns 4 sites that have been listed and many of the other major sites are not admitted.

If you think that an editor is abusing his/her position by unfairly favouring certain sites, then please file a report at http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/ with whatever evidence you have, rather than posting unsubstantiated allegations in this forum.


However, before jumping to any conclusions, it may well be that what you're seeing is the result of coincidences, accidents, or has a perfectly rational explanation. One common one stems from that fact that editors, their interests, and the editing guidelines change over time, and a few years ago there were far fewer sites on the internet. Consequently a keen editor a few years ago may have listed a large proportion of the sites that were around and/or popular at that time. Since then some categories may have had very little editorial attention, and so the previously listed sites have remained with few additions.

The last time I submitted it was February 2006.
The bulk of the pool of suggested sites was wiped out when our server crashed last year (late 2006 to early 2007) so I would recommend that you suggest the site one more time.

I wasn't ragging on you -- too much respect there. :icon_excl


I was amused that sometimes the posters are so focused on finding fault with us that they miss it when we reach out and try to offer some advice and assistance.


Guess that's why we love doing what we do!



I was amused that sometimes the posters are so focused on finding fault with us that they miss it when we reach out and try to offer some advice and assistance.


Guess that's why we love doing what we do!


I must of been writing my response while you where writing your's because it was not there when I started my post. Thanks for the advice.



I resubmitted. So is there any time frame where I should question the system?


It just seems that there should be another option for people going thru this situation. Maybe after 5 years, you can have a review or something like that.

It just seems that there should be another option for people going thru this situation. Maybe after 5 years, you can have a review or something like that.


I hear what you are saying, and to a degree I understand.


We often tell people to suggest their site and move on to other things. I'm sure some think we are being rude, or trite, or dismissive when we say that, but...


The cold reality is that the suggested websites are only one of the sources we use when building the directory. We focus on adding sites, n ot on queue management. Newer editors often rely fairly heavily on the suggestions, because they have not honed the art of category building. Experienced editors tend to move away from the suggestion pool because they believe -- rightly or otherwise -- that they can do a better job of finding quality sites. This is very true in the specialized subcategories that tend to draw few suggestions.


There are also suggestion pools that are very cesspool-like due to the huge volumes of spam they attract. Few editor ever vengture there -- and we keep the new editors away from those so they don't get disallusioned and quit.


So, as an editor and a (non-commercial) site owner, here is what I advise.


1. suggest once to the single best category (and really research this).

2. use guidelines-complaint titles and descriptions (think of fishing and the title and description are a nice tasty worm to try and lure an editor to your hook).

3. find other means of promoting your site. Editors spend a lot of time on the web, and we find candidate sites in a lot of differnet places. Our interests reflect those of society as a whole.

4. keep improving your site. add new content regularly. this draws visitors and visitors are really what it is all about. (note to self, time to refresh the content on a couple of your sites).

5. suggest your site to other quality directories -- especially niche directories with tight specialization. Editrs do regularly mine these directories for content or clues to content.


There are tens of thousands fo examples of sites that got listed without ever being suggested. This is almost always due to having great content and doing good promotion.


Hope this helps.

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