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I noticed a grammatical curiosity on the screen which follows submission of a url for consideration:


"...We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule..."


In correct common usage, "each" is singular, so requires a singular "his," as in "To each, his own."


I queried Google on this topic and found the following over-the-top exposition on "their" applied, as here, to singular subjects:


Everybody (did you know "everybody" and "everyone" are also singular nouns?) loves their Jane Austen


Review of this information is likely to cause smiling and head shaking.

"Their" and "they" are commonly used to refer to a single entity where the gender of the entity is unknown or undefined. To quote the relevant part of the article you mention (bolding mine):
Such plural pronouns can only be used with a morphologically and syntactically singular antecedent when what it refers to is semantically collective and/or generic and/or indefinite and/or unknown.

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