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My name is Markus and I have submitted our site for inclusion several times over the past year but still have not been listed. The website url is <url removed> , it is a BitTorrent index/listing site (http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/File_Sharing/BitTorrent/Torrent_Directories_and_Trackers/).

On that page there is a list with some good and many bad links, our site should be included because we offer a very good service to our users. Can anyone tell me why we havent been included and what needs to be done to get listed.




Thanks for your answer, however I followed all instructions to the point and as I have stated earlier: I've submitted a few times. Becoming an editor is not an option as there would the a conflict of interest and that would be a moral issue for me personaly.


I wish there was another way to get listed, I am trying to get listed for a year now and did everything by the book. So please could you tell me what my options are?

By suggesting your site, you've really done all you can do.


Yeah I already got that but seriously what else can I do, I've just resubmitted again, is there nobody that can take a look or something? Someone like a super moderator or something?


I am really determined to get listed because frankly I can't find an explanation to why we haven't been added while we keep trying for over a year. Other sites were listed that weren't there before. Anyone?


Please don't keep re-suggesting your site -- at best it does nothing, at worst is creates more work for the editors and slows things down for everyone. While we realise that everyone is human and we'll overlook a couple of repeat suggestions by those anxious to get their site listed, the Site Suggestion Instructions (which you agree you've read and will abide by each time you suggest you site) clearly say:

Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Disguising your submission and submitting the same URL more than once is not permitted.


We're clearly not going to offer expedited reviews based on posts in this forum -- despite not being fair on those who haven't found this forum, who can you imagine what would happen here if we did? :eek:


motsa was pretty much correct when she said there was nothing else you could do. Though if everyone who wanted their site listed became an editor (perhaps in a different category from the one their site would belong in) then the rate at which we could review and list publicly suggested sites would rapidly increase. Unfortunately, most people are only interested in directly helping their own site get listed, and don't want to contribute to other areas of the directory.


And, at the risk of sounding harsh (Note, I have not looked at your site) not all sites are guaranteed a listing. It is absolutely within our rights not to list a given site either because the site dies not meet our guidelines or because we feel that a category is well-represented and that adding yet another site adds no real value to the directory or to the people who use our directory.


We are not, and never have been, a listing service for webmasters. We are directory builders and our only obligation with regards to suggested sites is to eventally take a look at them.


Taking a look at them may mean as little as taking a look at the URL and deciding to neither list it nor deny it.


Same deal


Only difference is we have been waiting over 5 years to get listed (probably 10 years, but I have been here for only 5 years). We are one of the largest gift baskets companies in the US and cannot get listed on DMOZ. I resubmit about every 6 months/9 months or so... figuring that our submission must have been lost.




Love to know if our site doesn't mean DMOZ requirements and why... cause that is only reason I can think of why we are not listed. But then if that's the case I cannot understand the hundreds/thousands of others who do get listed.

I figure the response will be my resubmitting every 6 to 9 months... penalized us. Well, I resubmitted this week. I suspect with our millions of buyers, more than a couple have submitted us also... looks like we will never get in.

Well, it certainly isn't 10 years, as we haven't been around that long either.


Lets talk candidly, but not specifically about your site (I don't know the URL and don't need to know it.)


Repeat suggestions. We don't actively penalize someone for doing so, but in doing so you may penalize yourself. Editors can view suggested sites with a number of criteria, one of which is date of suggestion. Thus, the most recent suggestions fall at the bottom. If the editor sorts by a different criteria, then the extra suggestions (assuming they are all to the same category) have oversritten the earier suggestions and really caused no harm. If you are suggesting to multiple categories you are, frankly, spamming us, and if you need to be smacked with a rolled up newspaper -- or something along those lines.


Shopping. As a long-time editor with directory wide permissions, I haver done probably fewer than 100 edits in shopping, and don't envision doing very many more. I consider the suggestion pool for shopping to be a sewer that is simply not worth my time and effort as an editor. Horrible suggestions, shotgun suggestions, grossly/maliciously miscategorized suggestions, titles and descriptions filled with keywords and exclamation points. Add to that sites that push viruses and trojans to unsuspecting/unprotected visitors. Ugh. An editor can spend days just sorting through the garbage and never add a site. The gret server crash in which we lost the vast majority of suggestions was, in my opinion, one of the best things that ever happened to Shopping.


What can you do:

1. Make one final suggestion using ODP guidelines compliant title and description. No supurlatives. tell us what can be found on the site. don't tell us how wonderful you are, how many customers you have, etc. If you let marketing or legal review your suggestion you are doomed to fail. :)

2. Forget about us. Either we will list you sometime this millenium or we will not. Nothing you can do to influence it other than step #1 above, so don't worry about it.

3. Go forth and do real marketing to places that are not dependent upon a cadre of volunteer editors.




Our industry is comprised of mostly home-based individuals who most likely would have the free time to be DMOZ editors... I know they would love to block our being listed here and elsewhere.


If there were individuals who wanted to block us from being listed for personal gain, does your process allow them to do that?




Maybe editors think one of the companies already listed is us. We have several companies attempting to confusion our consumers - and I see one of them listed on DMOZ. Unfortunately, you would have no way of knowing they aren't us...


This is a common misconception and a common accusation.


While it has happened -- and been dealt with, it is an extreme rairity.


More often than not it is simply a matter of being mired in the pool of suggestions.


Fair enough... still seems odd hundreds of home based companies that have been in "business" for less than a year (and probably a good portion already out of business) gets listed faster than a company that has been in operation for over 22 years and has been trying to get listed at least 5 years.


But not much either of us can do about that... I appreciate your response.

Fair enough... still seems odd hundreds of home based companies that have been in "business" for less than a year (and probably a good portion already out of business) gets listed faster than a company that has been in operation for over 22 years and has been trying to get listed at least 5 years.


But not much either of us can do about that... I appreciate your response.


I think its called biased. If Google stopped caring about DMOZ we wouldn't care either and I'm not suggesting that DMOZ editors are corrupt crooks, I am telling you that they are. I have seen so many complaints from other webmasters and nothing is being done about it. I guess money talks so here I am offering 1000 $ to any moderator who is willing to list us, my email is <Email Removed> . Maybe this will work. PS. This forum is a joke as it does not serve anyone.

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