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  • Meta
Please tell me what to do as I've already submitted it once again yesterday in the same category. Can you recover the old listing or I was right in my decision to resubmit it. Would I be punished for re-submission?

The answer has already been given more than once. But I'll repeat it again.


If a site is removed temporary from public view an editor will look at the situation and decide to list it again or to remove it permanently. When that will happen is something we don't know and can't predict. There is no reason to suggest the site again.


If a site is removed permanently is was done because of good reasons (the site does not fit within our guidelines anymore). There is no reason to suggest the site again.


And please stop asking us to give special attention to your site. You have been told several times we will not discuss individual sites.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • Meta
Would I be punished for re-submission?

No, you won't be punished because you suggested it again.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • Meta

The Open Directory doesn't have any punishments, any more than a Quaker community would. If a webmaster or site promoter makes a sufficient nuisance of himself, the community can agree not to pay any attention to him anymore--he's "shunned." Nobody signed up to volunteer to deal with pests, and nobody has to.


Floggings, hanging, draws, or quarterment--to our occasional deep regret--are all right out.


But it's extremely easy to avoid being a pest. Just follow the submittal policies, and make helpful suggestions.

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