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So why is the site still listed, you wonder? There are two possibilities. (1) The investigation is still pending (or ongoing). (2) the investigation is over, and the investigator disagreed with you about whether the site violated ODP standards.


If you're interested in knowing which case applies, you can check the status of your abuse report by putting the ID in the box at the bottom of the abuse report page.


Actually, there's one additional possibility. The abuse case is closed, and (for no more than a week or so) the public directory is out of date.


So, to cover all bases, once you see the case closed, wait a couple of weeks, then check the ODP category again.

Malkie: It's a roll of the dice, like anything else. I submitted a URL to DMOZ in February and it got listed 4 months later (this year). Was I surprised? Yes, because I have another site I submitted about two years ago that stilll hasn't appeared...NOR do I care or suspect it will. It is simply a roll of the dice. Alas the URL you're worried about getting into DMOZ appears in the top search engines, so why care if it appears (or ever does) in DMOZ? DMOZ is a directory . . . not an engine for searching anyway.

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