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I have moved from BC to Ontario and wanted to edit the location for the site. it seems that I can not do it, Only to submit again. Which I think I did but not sure.

Did not want to spam.

Who can help me find out.

Thank you



If your site is listed in the Regional branch of the directory, go to the category where it is currently listed and request an update, stating that you have changed localities.


If your site is listed in a Topical branch of the directory and your issue wi that the description mentions the old locality, do an update and request that the description be changed.


If your site is listed in a Topical branch of the directory, and the category path includes locality information, adn you need to have it moved, do an update request asking it to be moved to the correct subcategory. i.e. society/something/something/British Columbia to society/something/something/Ontario.



I am registered on the Regional branch of the directory. not sure if i have asked for an update, but do not want to do it again, so it will not considered as spam



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