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Brand new here so I hope I am doing this right.

Under the Religion category I am listed in Wicca but that does not fit my web site as we have a strong blend of Christian. I have seen the term as Christopagan before & wondered if this has been requested before.

If not may I ask to be placed on a waiting list for enough web sites to fall into this category so that it can be listed as such?


Thank you for your tyme.



Rev. Samantha L. Heart

  • Meta

Is this the category you are looking for


Its description

This category covers Christian Wicca, a blend of the new path of spirituality of the religious form of Wicca with the beliefs found in Christianity.

Christian Wicca can best be described as an eclectic form of Christianity based on the spiritual beliefs of the Holy Bible, the Kabbalah, the Gnostic Gospels, and practiced via the personal spiritual methods of Wicca.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.


Nicely found :).


I've added the search terms christopagan and christopaganism to that category. After a week or so, when search updates, searching on either term should get to the right category.


@loxleyabbey: Please visit the category where your website is listed and use the update listing link to request its move.

  • Editall
Christian Wicca? You're kidding, right?

ODP Editor callimachus

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