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I understand that the ODP doesnt keep a list of rejected submissions. However, I think it would make sense if they did. There are so many people wasting your time asking if their site was included/not included and why. So, it would make sense to list this. I know the point of the ODP is to create great categories, but it seems the editors waste A LOT of time answering submission questions, when they could be reviewing sites for inclusion. Is there any chance this will happen in the future? Correct me if I am wrong, but ODP used to do this I thought.....




There are so many people wasting your time asking if their site was included/not included and why.
Actually, there aren't - probably because such questions are against this forum's ToS.

it seems the editors waste A LOT of time answering submission questions, when they could be reviewing sites for inclusion.
Well no they don't. There are thousands of editors but only a few of us ever come here. Actually, I've stopped editing for the day, so my presence here isn't impacting my ODP productivity in any way. We're all allowed some time off aren't we?


Is there any chance this will happen in the future?

Correct me if I am wrong, but ODP used to do this I thought.....
You're wrong. We used to provide status reports in this forum but we stopped years ago for well documented reasons.
but it seems the editors waste A LOT of time answering submission questions, when they could be reviewing sites for inclusion.


Allow me to expand on this common misunderstanding.


Editing is an unpaid hobby. Editors edit whenever they wish, and for however long they wish.


If editors wish to do something other than editing, they are free to do so. sometimes the something else is responding to questions on the forum.


It is like any other hobby. you put into it just as much as you wish, and nothing more. No bosses, no production goals, no quotas, no nagging. It is an idle past time. Some editors do a bit every night. Others do huge amounts over a short period of time -- then pursue other interests for a while -- then they come back with their hair on fire and edit like crazy for a few days or a week, and then wander off again.


In my case, I was moderately active for the better part of 5 years. Now I've retired. Will I unretire. Maybe. I might hit the lottery. Time will tell. It is a personal choice, and it is a personal choice for every editor.


So here is the deal: Don't tell us how much time and effort to put into our hobby, and we won't nag you about painting the upstairs bedroom. Seems like a good tradeoff to me.




Take my comments with a grain of salt. I'm a retired editall and I have been away from the ODP long enough to be dangerous.

Actually, there aren't - probably because such questions are against this forum's ToS.

Well no they don't. There are thousands of editors but only a few of us ever come here. Actually, I've stopped editing for the day, so my presence here isn't impacting my ODP productivity in any way. We're all allowed some time off aren't we?



You're wrong. We used to provide status reports in this forum but we stopped years ago for well documented reasons.


Of course you are allowed time off! Thanks for your prompt response.


Similar and traffic question regarding DMOZ indexing?


Who inform me your site is not index in dmoz and why? Why my website getting problem in dmoz indexing if it has excellent SEO record

buildes copilot software

  • Meta

Even a minimally competent SEO professional should be able to look at your website from the point of view of directory requirements (ANY directory, not just the ODP) and tell you whether or not the site qualifies for a listing under than directory's rules. But it might not occur to your SERP perp to answer that question unless you specifically ask them.


So ask. If he's "excellent", he should have no trouble at all telling you "why, or why not".

  • Meta

Oh, yes, it would be a long list, millions of entries a year. But it wouldn't be a MEANINGFUL list. A site that's been suggested 15 times might have been rejected 14 times but only as "duplicate suggestions deleted, one left for review". Or it might have been rejected once "with extreme prejudice." Or any combination of the above. There would be no way of telling which. No useful information could be gotten from it.


Which is a feature it has in common with all the other "suggestion feedback schemes" that have ever been proposed, as well as the schemes I've tried to design.

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