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Could you you help me to check status on my submittion in

Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Promotion:Link Popularity

thanks a lot!


The url that you gave shows to have never have been touched and is not in the unreviewed que of the category you mentioned.


You should resubmit it. I can tell you this though, the url that you say you submitted will not be listed rather it will be changed to http://www.antssoft.com/ as that appears to be the main page of the site.


Good Luck!


Currently the site is totally about Link Survey (it seems to be the only product) so for now the main url fits. When you get new products you can submit update requests for your url.


However, you can submit whatever URL you want and it will be up to the category editor or whoever reviews the site to which url they list it under. You might want to make a note at the end of your description that you are going to have more products in the future and they should consider listing the deeplink instead of the main site.


Good Luck!

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