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  • Meta
Please do as windharp requested, and do not ask again in the French Forum. Not saying that you intended to, just that it happened with others. Once is enough <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

I didn´t know there is a french forum......!! Hope you get all information you need to help me....!! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

See you...

  • Meta
That's OK, your site is waiting to be reviewed in the cat you mentioned with few other sites <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

great ! hope to see it soon there !!


one more question : I could have submit my site in this other category : http://dmoz.org/World/Fran%e7ais/R%e9gional/France/Voyages_et_tourisme/H%e9bergement/Locations_de_vacances/Par_d%e9partement/


but I missed the last Step in the path (the department of "Vienne" that is not available int he category I just mentioned in this message.


question : why does the content of this category not match with the content of the first one (I mentioned in the other post) since the sites have the same subject and goal ?


The Path tourism>region>lodging is not like the path tourism>lodging>region ?


Hope I explained clearly....


Thanks !

  • Meta

This cat is what we call an '@link farm', it has no sites listed in it, only links to the actual cats (try one of these links, you'll see what I mean). You couldn't have submitted in that cat, there's no link for that. Since there is no Hébergement/Locations_de_vacances cat for the Vienne department, (only Hébergement), there is no Vienne@ alink in that cat...


Hope I was clear <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Is see , I see....

Thanks for all your very fast answers ! How long should I wait from now untill I can habe my site in DMOZ listed ?

There is no way of knowing how long it will take to get a particular site reviewed. It all depends on when one of the editors, who are volunteers and donate their time, comes by and reviews it. Sorry, but you'll just have to be patient. Thanks for your enquiry.
  • Meta

Sorry, but no. Too much paperwork, editors' time is better used finding sites and processing submissions. Please check that cat from time to time. As you've seen in the Guidelines for this forum , you can ask again about the status of your submission one month from now. Please re-use this thread when/if you do...

[Added: Ack, windharp delivered the message in a much more concise way <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> ]


Hello !

not a month ago because from today I see my site in the DMOZ at ! great !! thanks a lot !

just 2 more questions :


1) there is a mistake in the description ( twice the same sentence). How can we inform someone about this problem ?

2) A search with keywords doesn´t deliver the site as a result because the given description (and title) doesn´t content explicit words as it should be (the description is a new one that I didn´t give as information). does a search on keywords only works on the title and description in the cat or also in the website itself (content of the site) ?


Thanks !


  • Meta

1) is fixed. Thanks for letting us know <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Normal procedure is to make an update request through the "mettre à jour l'URL" link at the top of the page (even if it has to do with the title or the desc, not the URL), but there was no reason to wait.


2) You won't find it through the ODP search engine for some time. The indexes are normally generated once the weekly RDF dump is produced, but they haven't been since April 25, as you can see at the bottom of http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=poitiers86 . A new search server will soon be available.


Hey waht for a fast service here !! thanks a lot !

You mean : if I only want to update the description for example, I can use the link "mettre à jour l´URL" ?


The description for the moment is not the one I gave by the submission : does it mean that the editor made his own description for my site ?


Anf last but not least : thanks for the info on search result !! I understand th process....!!


  • Meta

update URL: Yes, right. In english categories you would see "Update URL" there. But a hint before you do: If you want to add keywords or something similiar: Forget about it. Would be rejected anyway.


Description: Yes. The same as with 99,9% of all submissions - submitted descriptions as good as never comply with our guidelines. (to describe the site, hype free, no marketing language, and so on)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Ok, I understand. I submitted a new description as you said: I think my first one had the probleme that it described to much the cat itself.

I just submitted an update: I think I respected the guideline !! Hope to see the modification before the next update of he Database !! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />))


Thanks ! Danke aus Ingolstadt !


  • Meta

Ce fil est déplacé dans le forum en français. Merci de l'utiliser pour vos questions concernant des sites de la branche

World/Français de dmoz.

  • 2 weeks later...



je viens de retourner voir si mon site était toujours bien inscrit dans la catégorie décrite ci-dessus, mais je ne le vois plus. Aurait-til été déplacé ? ou est-ce une procédure normale ? est-ce que quelqu´un peu m´aider ?



  • Meta

Pas de panique, herveg <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Regardez ici, il y est toujours...


Le serveur DMOZ habituel affiche une sauvegarde antérieure à l'apparition de votre site dans le répertoire et n'est pas mis à jour. C'est une mesure palliative qui a été mise en oeuvre pour assurer la continuité de l'accès aux données pendant les opérations en cours sur le serveur principal. Nous ne savons pas encore quand tout rentrera dans l'ordre, mais votre site est toujours listé et réapparaîtra, n'ayez crainte <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


je comprends ! petite frayeur tout de même.....!!

C est vrai qu on en devient vite impatient de voir les résultats....... <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


merci donc !!


  • 3 weeks later...


Doit-on voir dans l´echéance du 21 juillet a 21h, le moment ou l index ODP sera actulisé avec les nouveaux sites ou est ce que la procédure actuelle n a aucun rapport avec cette mise a jour (par exemple, probemes techniques, maintenance, etc.) ? Merci !




PS : je crois avoir compris....! il est question de transfert des données sur des nouveaux serveur....cela doit etre ce qu on entend par mise a jour de l index....



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