Guest Posted June 25, 2002 Posted June 25, 2002 Hi people, How much time I can except (an approximation will suffice) before my site submittal will be reviewed? The site is and was originally submitted in ../Shopping/Food/Health_Food/Soy_Products/ but as another site i have submitted then might have been switched to ../Business/Industries/Food_and_Related_Products/Beverages/ again, many thanx
thehelper Posted June 25, 2002 Posted June 25, 2002 I looked at your site and could not find where you sold anything online so I do not think it is a candidate for shopping. If you submitted it to a shopping category this is going to probably cause a delay as it will have to moved to the proper category (or the category where the editor thinks it goes) and if the editor cannot edit there it will go right back into the unreviewed que again. I looked at your site and it appears to have not been touched but I also looked into the category you submitted to and your site is not even in the unreviewed que. You should resubmit your site - probably to the Business/Industries/Food_and_Related_Products/Beverages you mentioned as it seems to be a better fit. Good Luck and Hope this Helps -
Guest Posted June 25, 2002 Posted June 25, 2002 Thanks for the time spent. Will resubmit yubeverage! My other site was switched to the Business/Industries/Food_and_Related_Products/Beverages category. How much time for this site to be reviewed? (again an approximation will be more than enough!) bye
Meta windharp Posted June 26, 2002 Meta Posted June 26, 2002 Sorry for not being able to tell any times, just can tell you the facts. Time depends on the "how many edits do the corresponding editors want to make today" problem /images/icons/smile.gif All volunteers, remember that... There are two editors in place, as you could see yourself. Currently there are 48 unreviewed entries to be processed in that category, including all subcategorie there are more than 400. There are several editors to help out from above (Food_related...) has 5 for example, so its very difficult to guess how long it may take. Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp
Meta hutcheson Posted June 27, 2002 Meta Posted June 27, 2002 >>Currently there are 48 unreviewed entries to be processed in that category, including all subcategorie there are more than 400. When you asked the question there were twice that many. But that is not as good news as it sounds. Surprisingly, most webmasters can't differentiate between sites about the beverage Industry, sites that sell beverages, sites about attempting amusing oneself with beverages, and sites that attempt to persuade people to buy particular beverages. (Industry, Shopping, Recreation, and Spam, respectively.) Most of the other sites were obviously misplaced (or worse.) Your site appears to be sort of correctly placed, but ... perhaps you can help us here. Perhaps we should have a category for "Soy and related drinks" -- could you suggest (from your knowledge of the industry) what such a category might be called and what it might include? (It seems to me that there are two or three other similar sites.) As an incentive, if you can provide a category name and charter, the name of a competitor or two, I think that would probably inspire an editor to found the category (and review several sites, including yours, in the process.)
Guest odp_jcand Posted June 27, 2002 Posted June 27, 2002 Fred, your sites have been listed in Business: Industries: Food and Related Products: Beverages. As hutcheson notes, we should have a subcategory for your type of beverage. I have noted that a lot of these types of beverages contain not only soy but other grain products. Is hutcheson's suggestion of "Soy and related drinks" appropriate? I edit in Business: Industries: Food and Related Products but that does not mean that I am overly familiar with these types of products. Your input would be appreciated.
Guest Posted June 28, 2002 Posted June 28, 2002 Hi people, I am glad to contribute to dmoz specialization about this specific subject as Beverages is indeed a very large topic. My first comment will cover the naming convention of such a sub-category: as the main one is named Beverages, what is the use for the "drinks" in the sub-category naming? My feelings are that "drink" is not equivalent to beverage in familiar language. In Webster dictionnary, "Drink" definition is: 1 a : a liquid suitable for swallowing b : alcoholic beverages 2 : a draft or portion of liquid 3 : excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages Webster "Beverage" definition is simpler: : a drinkable liquid Looks like drinks is more centered around alcoholic comsumption... or on another hand, about sugar-laden carbonated drinks (soft drinks, a specific category already in your directory)in many people mind. A quick Google search will reinforce that perception as 9 out of the 10 first results are all about alcoholic drinks. Not the perception I want to promote about my organic health beverages /images/icons/wink.gif So about naming that specialized sub-category of Beverages, i would see more fit something like: Grain, Nuts and Leguminous Beverages. My explanation : "Grain" covers any riz, oat, barley, etc. preparation. It has a large spectrum of inclusion while not being retrictive as other as "Cereal" could be in most people mind again. "Multi-Grain" is of general acceptance in the industry for mixed preparation of various grains in bread, beverages, etc. Nuts will covers any nut beverage preparation as almond beverage, etc.. While "Leguminous" covers any beverage using beans of some sort as soy being one of them or legumes beverages as carrot juice and the like. This segmentation might be too broad for your directory as there is so many beverage manufacturers whos products are from all 3 types but it has the potential to cover any beverage that is made from Grain, Nut and Leguminous or a mix of them. Hoping that my input about the naming convention topic will help... (Will continue in next reply)
Meta hutcheson Posted June 28, 2002 Meta Posted June 28, 2002 Thanks, that's most helpful. Your point about repeating "drink" is well taken. and before reading your post, I would have put "Carrot Juice" in the "Juice" category without compunction: but your taxonomy seems reasonable and useful. I don't think it's quite the full answer yet. I'm not sure "Leguminous" is going to be widely understood, and the "B-word" is still repeated in the title (something we try to avoid.) I'll take this back to our forums with a view toward creating a category like this.
Guest Posted June 28, 2002 Posted June 28, 2002 Point taken about the mainstream recognition of Leguminous... aldo in a pure nutritional/dietetistic sense of the term, it is very specific about that type of food. So the revised taxonomy could be more like: Grain, Nut and Leguminous related... ---------------- Regarding competitor names, all of mine are already signed up in your directory but if a new one that i know of arises, i will notify you. ------------ Now another topic not yet adressed would be: "Organic and GMO-free related"... the fastest emerging segment of the beverage market (at least in USA/Canada/Europe) as contender sub-category of beverages category itself. The point is that another categorie in your directory already propose that sub-segmentation. ie: Shopping: Food: Organic Why not beverages too? ------------------ In any case, thanks for asking advice. I have been very pleased to help. Fell free to ask again directly by email or thru the forum. bye now
Meta hutcheson Posted June 28, 2002 Meta Posted June 28, 2002 >>Regarding competitor names, all of mine are already signed up in your directory but if a new one that i know of arises, i will notify you. >>Now another topic not yet adressed would be: "Organic and GMO-free related"... the fastest emerging segment of the beverage market (at least in USA/Canada/Europe) as contender sub-category of beverages category itself. The point is that another categorie in your directory already propose that sub-segmentation. ie: Shopping: Food: Organic >>Why not beverages too? >>I have been very pleased to help. I wonder if the "Organic" category would cut across some of the other categories -- you might have 'organic' fruit juice, for instance, maybe even 'organic' tea, coffee, wine or beer? But I'm getting distracted from my real point. You're sounding a lot like an editor. Had you considered being one?
Guest Posted July 2, 2002 Posted July 2, 2002 >>Had you considered being one? I am considering it now... What are the implications? Where do we start from now? thanks
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