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three weeks ago I applied to be an editor in the category:


with editor's name: vlami


My application was rejected with the comment:


Dear vlami,

Thank you very much for your application. The ODP relies on enthusiastic volunteers such as yourself. Unfortunately it appears that you have not fully disclosed your affiliated websites in the section entitled, "Sites with which you are associated." Affiliated websites include those that you own, market, assist with, have written content for, maintain, etc.


I encourage you to apply again, being sure to fully disclose your affiliations. Just the url's are sufficient if you don't want to give further details.


Thank you, and best of luck.



On July, 20 I applied again with the requested list of the associated URLs, and got rejected without comments.. Could you clear up the reason of the rejection ?


If there were no specific reviewer comments, then one of the list of standard reasons listed in the first part of the email will apply. Being able to follow guidelines and critically evaluate your own work are important skills for an editor to possess. So think of it as part of the application process to work out which reason(s) apply and correct it/them in your next application.


(I wouldn't read too much into the fact that the first reviewer commented specifically on the affiliated / associated sites answer, and the second one did not. It could be the case that the second reviewer found further associated websites that he thought you should have declared, and rejected you for that reason. Or it could be something else entirely.)

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