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  • RZ Admin

Hi Brian,

Couldn't find it - could you post some more info like the category and name?

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

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I submitted an editor application form today but received the same 'bounce' message as other posters here are reporting.


My reference is 00d711cc31d267f768ddd909824984f7.


Could someone please confirm that my application has been received okay?


Thanks in advance.

  • RZ Admin
Hi saif, your application is in the queue :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Same email problem: opendir - 5dfc87848d06bd57d1cb18c868af75f6


opendir - 5dfc87848d06bd57d1cb18c868af75f6


I get an error message when trying to confirm my email address.


Is it possible to confirm it manually? I would very much like to become an editor.


Also I am wondering. Who reviews my application to become an editor and how long does ut normally take to become one? I see that many of the norwegian categories are not up to date and would like to contribute.


Thanks in advance.



Sebastian Flåterud

Oslo, Norway

Is it possible to confirm it manually?

No it isn't because an application is invisible to us humans until the servers receive your reply :(.


Please try to reply again at intervals until you get a more sensible response. (That's all we do to kick the system).

Who reviews my application to become an editor and how long does ut normally take to become one?

Some volunteer meta editor. We can't predict who or when that might be but most are processed within a month and many much faster than that.


thanks for quick reply


I have tried to reply (to confirm my email) maybe 20 times. I always get the same error message back. Is this normal? How many times can I expect to try? I have even tried to sign up with different email adresses to se if it was my email that was causing this problem.


What happens if it never works?


From what I understand there is a long wait to get a site listed. This means that dmoz desperately needs more editors. Isnt it a bit strange then that so many people mention this problem?


I am thinking that its all a bad circle. 1. its almost impossible to become an editor 2. because of this, there are too few people to review sites 3. because of this you have to wait for many years to get a site listed.. and then we go again:)


Wouldnt it help to have a sign up process that worked properly?


Who do I contact in dmoz about this problem? There are no proper contact details on the site?


thanks for helping




miracles happen :)


I just tried again for 21st time and it worked:)


What happens if there are no people to review the list of people who apply to become editors? Could that happen?



Thanks for applying to become an editor!


You will receive a reply as soon as your application has been reviewed. If you have questions, please visit the public forums at




to talk with one of our volunteers.



Problems with dmoz.org email


The problem reported by Mario still persists. I had a similar experience today.


Also, when I tried to report the issue by sending email to staff@dmoz.org, I got the same error message:



----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


(reason: 550 5.7.1 <staff@dmoz.org>... Relaying denied)


----- Transcript of session follows -----

... while talking to editors.dmoz.org.:

>>> DATA

<<< 550 5.7.1 <staff@dmoz.org>... Relaying denied

550 5.1.1 <staff@dmoz.org>... User unknown

<<< 503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)



Seems to be that email relay from editors.dmoz.org is broken.


Is there a possibility to fix this?


Kind regards,

- Mikko Reinikainen

  • RZ Admin

flaterud - if you get a message like "Thanks for applying to become an editor!" it means it worked - if you haven't heard anything in a couple of weeks you can make a status request.


mtreinik - your application is now queued normally, thanks. The staff and editors addresses have returned errors for some time, but afaik the actual mails do get through.

(I moved your other post here, we're trying to keep all the application confirmation errors in this thread)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

  • RZ Admin
Hi dinojim - Please post the key (it's the subject line of the bouncing email, it starts with opendir)... :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay - I wrote a pretty nice reply but that went to moderation.


This is the solution:


If you are getting a fatal response, your email client is adding "re: " in the reply subject line. Whether you see it or not.... If you can't modify this in the client (there is a button for it in gmail), then you should copy the original subject from the original confirmation email, and use it as the subject to a blank email, to apply at dmoz dot org.






Fatal Error - Do THIS!


Sorry for the multiple post --- this might be helpful to make sticky.....


Be advised, I am in application process like all of you. So I have no authority at all on this board. However the following is what will fix the problem:


If you are getting an error when you reply and relaying is "denied," here is the explanation:


What causes the problem


When you receive that email that you must reply to, you must NOT change the subject line. You should be aware that gmail, and other clients, when you click "reply" generally add a "re: " to the subject line, and this causes the fatal error.


The fix


Modify the reply subject and remove that "re: " In gmail, there is an option to do this. I am not sure how to do this in other programs.


Alternatively, if you can't figure out how to modify the subject, make a copy the subject line that DMOZ sent to you: Mine was "opendir - fbremovedbyme4c20ed3d." Send a blank email with the COPIED subject line as the subject to apply at dmoz dot org.



Good luck with your applications!

  • RZ Admin

Sorry sammydv3, but that's not the problem... it has something to do with the configuration of our email servers, not the subject line per say...

However, your solution is valid, thanks for taking the time to investigate this :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

All one needs to do is to try again at intervals until the response is sensible. Sometimes once is enough; sometimes it takes ten attempts. There's no need to manipulate the subject line.
I received that error 3 times before the server got tired of me and said "thanks for submitting your application." I am sure you are right JimNoble. If people like me were patient between sending those replies, I am sure we wouldn't have the problem. It's pretty obvious how anxious everyone is to get their editing applications in and looked at.... lol.

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