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Hi there, my site <URL removed. We don't discuss individual websites here so they are neither needed nor welcomed.> seems to have vanished from DMOZ, not sure when this happened but I just wandered if there was a way to find out what I did wrong ?

Well my site doesn't seem to fall into any of those categories in the unlistable site section and it passed initially to be listed.


Therefore I assumed that because it had been removed rather than refused that I had subsequently done something wrong. Is there no way of actually finding out why a listing was removed so that the error can be addressed.

  • RZ Admin
That would be a site status check, which we no longer do. If your site is listable and working, the most you can do is suggest it once in the most appropriate category (not necessarily the same one it was in, especially if the content has changed) :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

and it passed initially to be listed.
That doesn't mean much. Human editors list websites and (shock horror) they've been known to make mistakes.

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